[jsr344-experts mirror] Re: [ADMIN] Welcome to JSF 2.3

From: manfred riem <>
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 08:40:28 -0500

Hi everyone,

 From me a warm welcome as well. I am looking forward to interact with you,
on the mailing list, in person or on the phone!

Kind regards,
Manfred Riem

On 9/24/14, 8:37 AM, Edward Burns wrote:
> Hello Volunteers,
> This message is sent to all members of javaserverfaces-spec-public,
> including observers, but this message is really intended for Expert
> Group members. Note that only JCP Expert Group (EG) members may
> subscribe to jsr72-experts, and therefore only EG members may post to
> this list.
> Introduction
> Hello and welcome to the JSR-372 Expert Group for developing version
> 2.3 of the JavaServer Faces specification. If you're a veteran of
> past JSF JSRs, thanks for coming back again, we're very glad to have
> you. If you're new to JavaServer Faces spec development, welcome! We
> look forward to more fresh ideas. My name is Ed Burns. Manfred Riem
> and I will be your co-spec leads for this JSR.
> Goals
> As stated on our JSR [1], This JSR aims to improve the clarity of the
> existing JavaServer Faces (JSF) specification and introduce a small,
> targeted set of new features as directed by community
> contribution. The
> list will be used for technical discussions in JSR-372.
> Getting to know each other
> I know some of you from previous JSRs, but others are new. I'd like
> for everyone to share their user name. If you don't have
> one, please get one. We'll add everyone to the
> javaserverfaces-spec-public project. Please reply to this email,
> including where you live, who you represent, anything else you'd like
> to say and, optionally, a picture or a link to a picture of yourself.
> Platform
> JavaServer Faces 2.3 is included in the the Java EE 8 platform
> schedule and will depend on Java EE 8 and JavaSE 8. This is a
> departure from all previous versions of JSF, which have always lagged
> one version behind the EE version in which it was included. This
> means JSF 2.3 can depend on other Java EE 8 technologies such as
> Servlet 4.0
> We need to have a discussion about what minimum browser support level
> should be.
> Rights and Responsibilities
> Based on lessons we've learned from past JSRs, we think it would be
> useful to lay out some rights and responsibilites of the JSR-372 Spec
> Lead and EG members.
> * Your rights as a JSR-372-EG member
> - Timely response to emails
> - The issues you raise get dealt with and not fall on the floor
> - Be informed of schedule milestones and release plans as soon as
> possible.
> - Have expectations set realistically, for example, the EG needs to
> be made aware that the JCP process can take a long time between
> when the actual spec discussion work is done, and when it is
> final. During that time, we are going through JCP process steps,
> working on the TCK and polishing the RI, writing the
> documentation, integrating it into the release vehicle, and
> qualifying it with third party products.
> - Have access to quality tools for distributed collaborative
> development. For example, the issue tracker, wiki, and IRC chat
> room and shared file space at
> * Your responsibilities as an EG Member
> - Be active in email discussions
> - On the rare occasions when we specifically ask for a VOTE, such
> as whether or not we declare that we've hit a JCP milestone, cast
> one.
> - Conduct all email in a professional manner, no flaming
> - Follow email discussion guidelines in this message
> - Stay within the scope of the JSR
> - Respect the spec lead's final call on the schedule for the JSR.
> * Our rights as spec leads
> - The authority to make the final call on the schedule for the JSR,
> after sincerely considering EG input
> - The authority to make executive decisions to settle deadlocks
> - The authority to shut down threads that are digressions.
> - The authority to break up email messages into separate threads to
> aid discussion.
> * Our responsiblities as spec leads
> - All new discussion threads receive a response within two days
> from Manfred or I, barring planned absences.
> - All discussion threads managed. If appropriate, they are
> associated with an issue-tracker issue.
> - See that each discussion thread is summarized and labeled as
> CLOSED when the discussion is resolved.
> - Keep the spec document up-to-date as issues are resolved
> Process
> All official spec discussion will happen on
> This list is
> archived at [2]. We used the archive heavily in past JSRs, so please
> test that you can access the archive.
> Please send all mail in ASCII, not HTML. If you must, non ASCII
> attachments are ok, but generally it's better to put that sort of
> thing as an attachment to an issue in the issue-tracker.
> As mentioned above, everyone needs a user id. We'll be using
> the javaserverfaces-spec-public [3] projects. We'll use the
> javaserverfaces-spec-public issue tracker for all issues [4]. We'll
> use the javaserverfaces-spec-eg subversion repository to host the
> development of the frame maker portion of the spec document from which
> the spec PDF is generated.
> We may have occasional conference calls if the need arises.
> Reference Implementation and TCK
> The official reference implementation for JSR-372 is being developed
> out in the open on the project called javaserverfaces. The
> TCK will be developed by Oracle internally.
> Email practices
> During JSR-344, we used the following conventions, and they seemed
> to work reasonably well, especially for the purposes of looking back
> over the archive.
> The subject line of All core discussion threads will be prefixed by
> [jsr372-experts][TargetVersion-IssueNumber-ShortName].
> TargetVersion is optional and is assumed to be JSFv2.3 if omitted.
> Having this convention covers us if we end up talking about
> something targeted at JSFv3.0. IssueNumber is the issue number in
> the javaserverfaces-spec-public issue tracker. ShortName is a
> WikiWord that enables us to look at the email subject line and
> quickly recall the topic of the thread. For example, Subject:
> "[43-XMLSchema] Status"
> If you want to originate a thread, send it to the EG prefixed by
> [NEW] in the subject line. If we see the need for an issue tracker
> issue, we'll put it in the issue tracker, re-subject the email to be
> prefixed with [IssueNumber-ShortName], and discussion will continue
> on that thread, NOT the thread with [NEW] in the title.
> Put [ADMIN] at the start of the subject line for all schedule and
> administrative related emails.
> I am open to other suggestions about how to best conduct the EG
> discussions over email.
> Next Steps
> As you may know, next week is JavaOne 2014. Manfred and I are
> attending, as well as the following expert group members.
> Neil Griffin
> Josh Juneau
> Kito Mann
> We are having a face-to-face meeting, with conference call as well,
> the first day of JavaOne. It is a shared meeting with the Servlet EG.
> Date: Monday 29 September 2014
> Time:
> 14:00 San Francisco
> 17:00 New York
> 23:00 Vienna
> Phone number:
> +1 866 682 4770
> Conference code: 7821409
> Access code: 2323
> If you are calling in from a country other than the U.S.A., please
> reply to me only with the country you will be calling from and I'll
> hopefully have a toll-free number for you in that country.
> Please review the below Appendix to jog your memory of where we left
> off with JSF 2.2. As I was adding the content from JSF 2.2, I put a
> couple things on a wiki page:
> <>. Please feel free to add your own thoughts there.
> Again, welcome, and we look forward to collaborating in the coming
> months!
> Ed Burns
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> Appendix: JSF History
> To set the context, I'd like to share some history from past JSRs. From
> the email archive, here is a brief timeline of JSF development.
> Start of archives at<>.
> 17 August 2001
> The first official email on JSR-127 was sent. (that's over 13 years
> ago!)
> August - November 2001
> Gathering basic requirements, analyzing the state of the art of
> existing frameworks, choosing the top-level package name, business
> and licensing terms, and producing a basic component architecture.
> December 2001 - February 2002
> ObjectManager (precursor to managed-beans), first event model
> proposal, First draft of spec, discussion of spec, first validation
> proposal, BEA brings the importance of the Corporate Developer to
> the project.
> March - June 2002
> First discussion on config file, first discussion of EL alignment,
> with respect to JSTL EL, FactoryFinder proposal, event model
> discussions, first RI snapshot announced, Craig McClanahan takes
> over from Amy Fowler as spec lead, request processing lifecycle proposal,
> concrete vs abstract component classes, spec editorial discussion,
> application handler discussion, Component trees and JSP pages
> discussion.
> July - September 2002
> Standard RenderKit, refocus priorities on component model and event
> model, re-examine JSR requirements, JCP Community Review (12 August
> 2002), conversion, L10N, formatting, Public Review Draft release.
> November 2002 - February 2003
> Introduced enact issue tracker usage, Ed Burns joins as co-spec
> lead, state saving proposal, organizational work, NamingContainer,
> Facets, RendererDelegation, event model rework
> March - June 2003
> ApplicationHandler, ConfigFiles, NavigationHandler, ManagedBeans,
> PhaseListener, ValueBinding, Hans asserts that JSP/Faces interaction
> has major issues, rtexprvalues for our TLD, Public Review Draft 2
> release, with RI.
> July - October 2003
> Introduced EG-accessible scarab issue tracker usage, UIData grid
> proposal, MethodBinding, Attribute/Property transparency,
> PropertyResolver/VariableResolver decorator pattern, validator,
> component binding proposal, "id" as a tag attribute, OutputMethods,
> concrete html components, component messages, StateSaving
> November 2003 - January 2004
> Continuing discussion, spec edits, bug reports, portlet integration,
> EA4 release of RI and spec, camelCase identifiers, converters,
> Standard RenderKit specification, component namespace,
> NamingContainer.SEPARATOR_CHAR and CSS, Multiple RenderKits,
> RenderKitId and StateSaving.
> February - August 2004
> Bug reports, 1.0 release candidate, ResourceBundle lookup, 1.0
> handoff 1.0 to JCP (12 February 2004), justification for "#{}
> delimiters", Calls for new features in jsf 1.1 and jsf 1.2,
> announcement of 1.1 version of spec, JavaOne face-to-face meeting,
> introduce my new manager, Tony Ng.
> Start of archives at<>.
> September 2004
> Continuing PropertyResolver discussion ahead of JSF 1.2.
> October - December 2004
> Kick-off of JSR-252 and JSF 1.2. MethodBindings, Decorators,
> ResourceBundles, StateSavingWindowId, XML Schema, BigDecimal,
> ViewLifecycle, ELResolver, JSFJspTaglib, ValueBinding,
> MethodBinding, the big #{} vs ${} debate, UIDataProtectedModel,
> CoreTagsSpec, "div" renderer, StringLiteralAndAction,
> ImplicitObjectELResolver, EARLY DRAFT REVIEW
> January - March 2005
> StateSavingAndSecurity, ComponentMessageAssociation,
> AttributeTagELExpressions, DuplicateButtonPress, TreeCreation,
> ContentInterweaving, Face to Face Meeting, HeaderClasses,
> StartupTime, JSP-126 Faces "action" attribute,
> UIComponent.setValueExpression, JspIdGeneration,
> PluggableELResolver, c:forEach, TCCI, UIInputReset,
> RestoryViewBindingSpec, LostUpdate
> April - June 2005
> ELContext and ELResolver, PUBLIC REVIEW SPEC,
> JspApplicationContext,
> Deferred Expressions in Tag Files,
> CommandLinkFormRendererDependency, MultipleRenderKits,
> ClientIdSpecification, ResourceBundleELResolver, c:forEach,
> UIDataStateSaving, TCCIAndUIColumn.encodeChildren,
> ManualRequiredValidation, TwoExtensionElements,
> ResourceInjectionSupport, ExternalContext.get*ContentType,
> ManagedBeanResourceBundle, formNameAttribute,
> July - September 2005
> JDK 5 requirements debate, JavaScriptFreePages, UIColumnEncodeAll,
> PerInstanceMessageOverride, h:inputParam,
> convertClientIdCalledOnce,
> CurrentLocaleInELContext, LifecycleInitParam, UpdateFailedMessage,
> UpdateFailedMessage, PROPOSED FINAL DRAFT,
> RequestPostBackDetection,
> AutocompleteAttribute, JavaSE5Generics, SessionMapClear,
> FacesConfigOrdering, ManagedBeanLifecycleAnnotation
> October - December 2005
> ManagedBeanLifecycleAnnotations, ContainerManagedAuthentication,
> ContainerManagedPersistence
> January - March 2006
> BackwardsIncompatibilities, CreatManagedBeanOnStartup,
> EnumManagedBeanProperties, ChangeApplicationActionSignature,
> CoercionRulesForEnums, Jsf2.0Discussion, ComponentIdentifiers,
> InvokeOnComponent, ExternalContext.encodeNamespace,
> JspVersionForTagFiles, ViewIdCalculation,
> ExternalContext.isUserInRole, HeaderClassesFooterClasses,
> ComponentIdentifiers, EnumConverter, ValueExpressionFacetTagName,
> SelectItemsUnescape, UIDataLongMethods
> April - June 2006
> July - September 2006
> WhoDerivesTheViewId, MaintenanceReleaseConstraints, ErrataItems,
> CommandLinkSpecification, EnumConverterClarifyJavadocs,
> UIComponentELTag.setBinding, componentIdAssertion,
> f:viewRLocaleAttributeValueNamingConvention,
> UISelect.validateValue,
> setPropertyActionListener, DataTableAccessibility
> October - December 2006
> JSF2.0Timing
> January - March 2007
> JSF2.0
> April - June 2007
> ComponentTreeManagement, JSF 2.0 JSR Filed
> Start of archives at<>.
> July - September 2007
> EZComp, Data Binding, Expand the Component Set, Validation Changes, Client side API,
> JSR-301, JSR-273, Component Resources, Ajax, IDE integration, ConfigAnnotations
> October - December 2007
> Component Resources, EZComp, Ajax Collecting/Encoding view state,
> ComponentHandler, ComponentConfig, InitFacesContext, DevLifecycle,
> Ajax ResourceLoading
> January - March 2008
> Ajax ResourceLoading, Ajax, HEAD/BODY/FORM, Partial Submit,
> ConfigAnnotations, MegaListeners, ViewScope, Java EE 6 Web Profile,
> tracking which components have been visited, Groovy JSF Builder,
> PortletBridge, ResourceLoading, EL support for all classes,
> subscribeForEvent, UIData.invokeOnComponent, newScopes, support all
> extensions running at same level, Add ability to save view after
> lifecycle.execute, specify/improve recognition that a request is a
> postback, viewScope and component scope proposals.
> May - June 2008
> ViewController, JSF validation with annotations, EL support for all
> classes, JSF Toolkit developer's 2 cents, Collecting/Encoding
> ViewState, UIData.invokeOnComponent, ViewController,
> ResourceLoading, EventHandler proposal, static
> UIComponent.getCurrentComponent(), MegaListeners naming, StateSaving
> or EZComp?, Multiple Resource Annotation, Enums for navigation
> outcomes, Dump JSP, CompositeComponent UseCases,
> 358-ExternalContextImprovements, CompositeComponent contract
> proposal, Pluggable scanning, facesContextScope,
> FacesContext.messageList, ExternalContextImprovements, support for
> sets, UIViewRoot.getViewMap, isRendered is overloaded,
> ELInAnnotationAttrs, SystemEventListenerHolderSet, EZComp
> July - September 2008
> ELInAnnotationAttrs, SystemEventListenerHolderSet, Bundling
> composite components with Facelets tag libs, nested attribute
> declarations, attributes implicit object, isRendered is overloaded,
> parameter support for EL MethodExpressions,
> FacesContext.getMessageList(), Support for Sets, Runtime PDL
> metadata, NavigationHandler lack of to-view-id, infer from outcome,
> Pluggable Annotation Scanning, Parameter support for El
> MethodExpressions, varargs in EL, Wicket State Links, Using
> Annotations as hints for state saving, use of Maps in component
> development, Proposal provide a generic way to get the wrapped
> object.
> October - December 2008
> ViewExpiredException handling, Create a decoration component based
> on ui:decorate that can be used for creating templated forms,
> Declarative AJAX API?, Allow f:selectItems to reference any
> Collection or array (not just those of SelectItem) AND [NEW - 451]
> Support for a "noSelection" in h:select*, Delta state saving and a
> ViewExpiredException - transient/stateless views, Trinidad delta
> state saving in the wild? delta pull-external approach, state saving
> in iterative components?, Re: [140-NewScopes] PROPOSAL: Add "flash"
> scope, JSF integration with Bean Validation (JSR-303) proposal, Re:
> state saving in iterative components?, Seeking Review: spec and impl
> for 453-ApplicationWrapper, 180-TreeVisitor, 150-BindingBlackBox,
> [265-DecorateRenderKit] PROPOSAL, View Expiry,
> [121-FacesConfigOrdering] Discussion, [NEW] Java EE security
> annotations, [NEW] Convenience methods for adding localized
> FacesMessages, [NEW] Threading issues, UIData, [TRIVIAL]
> capitalisation naming conventions, Re: [NEW] RegularExpression
> validator, [293-Ajax] Intuit: XML better than JSON for Ajax
> transport, [NEW] Interface for a form, [ADMIN-Schedule] JSF 2.0
> Endgame blog entry, [280-CompositeComponentResources] #{this}
> optional: NOT, [NEW] Add for attribute to<h:messages />, JSF/REST
> blog entries, Re: [139-StateSaving] Catchup reply, Re:
> [465-ManagedBeanAnnotations] PROPOSAL, Re: Exception handling v0.6,
> AfterAddToParentEvent and sub-tree issues, Ajax server-side
> lifecycle [Was: JSF 2.0 - Ajax Chapter, some comments], AjaxBehavior
> inheritance strategy, Declarative Ajax Update, Declarative Event
> Handling, Exception handling v0.7, Filed two new spec bugs - 501 +
> 502 - composite components with Ajax, HLS on EZComp, Re: JSF 2.0 -
> Ajax Chapter, some comments, Re: JSF integration with Bean
> Validation (JSR-303) proposal (v1.0), PROPOSAL for EL method
> invocation, Proposal for renaming the JavaScript Global object, Two
> TreeVisitor enhancements, WebBeans Dependency,
> [115-ComponentResources] Moving to servlet spec, [161-SeparatorChar]
> PROPOSAL, [248-ExceptionHandler] Re: Exception handling v0.6,
> [274-facelet-libraries] init-param entry, [274-Facelets] More work
> for PageDeclarationLanguage, [274-PDL] Enable TLDDoc-type tool for
> facelets taglib files, [280-EZComp] "targets" attribute separator,
> [49-jsClientId] PROPOSAL, [ADMIN] Public Review Draft pre Release
> Candidate 1, Re: AfterAddToParentEvent and sub-tree issues, Changing
> the ajax.js file to jsf.js, Delivering javascript to the client -
> one file, or more?, Do we need [426-AnnotationBasedValidation] if we
> have JSR-303 support? Exception-Handling and UIInput.updateModel,
> Opened issue for f:event, REVIEW REQUESTED: Proposed change for Spec
> Issue 514, SOme minor comments on faclets taglib xsd, Use of
> <f:event /> to implement page actions, [121-JarOrdering] Small
> change, [139-StateManager] PROPOSAL, [153-UIDataStateSaving] Ideas?,
> [180-TreeVisitor] API proposal, [280-EZComp] Component Metadata
> Spec, [323-NullValue], [419,179-Navigation][488-Orchestration] What
> do we do here?, [451-noSelection] PROPOSAL, [NEW] @ManagedBean
> default naming strategy, [NEW] AjaxBehavior vs generic behaviors,
> [PROPOSAL] Complete Declarative Event Handling Proposal
> January - March 2009
> Add FacesContext accessor to ComponentSystemEvent?, Bean Validation
> integration update, CLOSED: Re: Fwd: new f:selectItems functionality
> may have a bug, Decorator ordering question as it relates to the
> portlet bridge, Re: Exception-Handling and UIInput.updateModel,
> FacesContextFactory change, Fwd: looking up the JSF implementation
> and spec version at runtime, Fwd: New JSF proposal with better
> bootstrap, Fwd: [519-PageParameters] version 0.1, Fwd: [JSF 2.0]
> UIComponent.getCurrentComponent behavior, No-Args Method for f:event
> target, Seeking Review: 10-extensionMetadata: no more context-param,
> Version, [10-Non-CoreMetadata] PROPOSAL, [140-Flash] c:set impl for
> Facelets, [419-ImplicitNavigation] CLOSED, [479-UIDataCollection]
> DEFERRED (was: Re: support for java.util.Collection in UIData and
> UIRepeat), [487 - BookmarkableLinks], [519-PageParameters]
> Significant change suggested, [519-PageParameters] version 0.1,
> [PROPOSAL: ExternalContextFactory], action vs. binding naming
> inconsistency, Re: AfterAddToParentEvent and sub-tree issues, API
> update for bookmarkable URLs, Composite components feedback,
> f:action for composite components?, Facelets API: resolver public?,
> flash should evaluate EL expressions, Fwd: bean validation change
> bundle, Fwd: Implicit child component for facets, Re: Fwd:
> [519-PageParameters] version 0.3, Give page actions a second
> chance!, Issue? Uniqueness of the ViewState parameter id, JSF
> 2.0/Facelets public APIs: ComponentHandler,
> NavigationHandlerWrapper, Omit faces-config.xml entirely?, Open
> issue on view parameters: assignment of view parameters to a scope,
> Required servlet/jsp version, Re: REVIEW REQUESTED: Proposed change
> for Spec Issue 514, Status update: "behavior" support, URGENT:
> Bundled JavaScript is impossible to write for composite components!,
> [1-multiComponentValidation] PROPOSAL, [139-StateSaving] PROPOSAL,
> Re: [240-PageAction] Mostly DEFERRED, [328-varStatus-ui:repeat]
> PATCH, [333 - UIViewRoot NamingContainer] Can we consider this
> change?, [487- BookmarkableLinks] changebundle: Portlet problems
> with this proposal/change, [519-PageParameters] ADF requirements,
> [519-pageParameters] FYI: Review of Dan's changebundle,
> [519-PageParameters] version 0.3, [519-ViewParameters] Committed to
> spec, [NEW fn:concat], Re: JSF 2.0/Facelets public APIs:
> ComponentHandler, [ADMIN] ACTION: transparency mandate,
> Start of archives at
> <>.
> March 2009
> Behavior API overview, Dan Allen, default converter for
> java.util.Date type, facelets tag refactoring, Fwd:
> [426-BeanValidation] Default Enablement Change, Fwd: [NEW]<f:ajax>
> and<f:validateBean> - consistent wrapping solution needed?, Groovy
> support, h:body and<body> attributes, Re: Issue? Uniqueness of the
> ViewState parameter id, Re: JSF 2.0/Facelets public APIs:
> ComponentHandler, JSF and REST, Portlet support - remaining issues
> [Was: JSF 2.0 Spec Snapshot], Rename: PDL->VDL, Roger or Andy: high
> level question on Component Behaviors (was: Re: Behavior API
> overview), support for html entities, Why do we disallow EL for
> h:dataTable "var" attribute?, [426-BeanValidation] Default
> Enablement Change
> April - June 2009
> #{compositeComponent.attrs....}, @CustomScoped value attribute,
> Adding handling of CDATA blocks in ResponseWriter, adding the
> Serializable interface to DataModel, another important composite
> component template concern, compositions inside composite
> components, Re: default converter for java.util.Date type, Re: Fwd:
> URGENT - JSF 2 change, h:outputStylesheet docs need to be updated,
> JavaScript disabled support [Was: Outcome of JSFDays discussions],
> minor feature enhancement for Facelets/VDL, organizing composite
> component templates, Outcome of JSFDays discussions, required
> attributes in composite components, Tree visit hints [Was: ADMIN:
> Final list of issues for JSF 2.0 and actions for each], View and
> custom scoped eager managed beans?, [293-Ajax] REOPEN rename
> <f:ajax> to<f:clientBehavior>?, [549-AJAX] Keep server-side state
> ID for AJAX requests, Re: [Fwd: [NEW]<f:ajax> and<f:validateBean>
> - consistent wrapping solution needed?], "for" attribute for
> <f:ajax>, access to ViewMetadata facet, aggregating tag libraries
> under a common namespace, Ajax rendering of components among
> compositions?, begin success complete and rendered?, ChangeLog for
> JSF 2.0 Maintenance Release 1 started, data payload for ajax calls,
> deriving the name of a faces-config.xml document, Execute phase of
> lifecycle in spec, f:ajax not working inside composite components?,
> Facelets: XHTML vs. XML, h:outputScript doesn't work inside
> composite components, Mixing an ajax tag with a rendered attribute,
> sendAjaxRequest is not defined?, Spec Public Issue 552 Proposal,
> Adding a description field to the JavaScript event payload, Adding
> an extension mechanism to the JavaScript event data payload,
> annotation scanning (was Re: Meeting minutes from EG face-to-face at
> Sun's SF office post-JavaOne), Cleaning up the composite PDL, Re:
> inter-component and form-level validation, remove method for UI
> component tree, view actions prototype for your review
> Start of archives at<>.
> July - September 2009
> Re: Cleaning up the composite PDL, Re: remove method for UI
> component tree, clarification for unnamed insert, Ajax validation,
> Ajax: Include View State For Forms That Are Partial Render Targets,
> <composite:attribute> optional?, f:event and composite components,
> Re: Wrapping Text with a tag - what's the correct behavior?, pdl
> docs change, Partial Response writer in conjunction with the
> component API, FYI: Annotations for JSF 2.0 specification,
> f:viewParam property javadoc inconsistent, EL property accessor name
> Forgiveness / Flexibility, request for listeners to support
> container injection and life-cycle callbacks, outputStylesheet and
> media type, bug #550, wishlists and issue reports, Providing the
> ability to instantiate EzComp components in Java code, Re:
> Inconsistency between Spec and XSD for include-view-params, Spelling
> error:
> Re: No @PhaseListener annotation in JSF 2.0?, FacesContext API, [NEW
> - MR] Add ExpressionFactory to "11.4.6 Delegating Implementation
> Support", eval of inline scripts, inter-component and form-level
> validation, Roger and I forgot to remove a class:
> PostAddToViewNonPDLEvent, [AjaxBehaviorEventAttribute] why must it
> be a literal?, FYI: onchange for radio and checkbox, Fwd: Minor
> corrections and request for clarification, localePrefix for
> resources, Metadata complete jar files, [Fwd: Re: Browser
> Dependencies], Faces continues processes lifecycle even when
> facesContext.responseComplete() has been called, h:outputScript
> target="head" is rendered in body when partial state saving is used
> and there is a postback, Autoupdate / always render,
> PostRestoreStateEvent called more that once for components inside
> UIData instances (h:dataTable), Need guidance: invalid assumptions
> in design of resource versioning feature, Nested composite component
> facet insertion/rendering issue, Spec clarification: features not
> available in JSP, composite:insertFacet target facet name, AJAX
> library in JSF 2.0, revisiting the JSR-314 openness policy,
> <h:dataTable> binding vs. ui:repeat, Evaluating EL in resource files
> October - December 2009
> clarification on f:validateRequired, Components, localePrefix,
> Amendment to section 2.2.1 Restore View, New spec issue 659 -
> MethodExpressionActionListener.processAction() logs and wraps
> exceptions in AbortProcessingExceptions, [OT] faces-config.xml
> names, rendered attribute for ui:component, ui:fragment?, UIViewRoot
> afterPhase, Fwd: [seam-dev] Interesting feedback on error reports,
> JSF logo, Errata: contentType and encoding on f:view, jsf 2
> evaluation and test, f:ajax behavior renderer question/discussion,
> Reorganized categories on spec issue tracker, agenda items for JSF
> Summit, (JSF Root Node), My performance AI
> from the EG meeting, jsr-314-Ajax-ext Alias Deleted, [community]
> feedback from #devoxx #jsf2next presentation, [ajax] My AI on
> PartialResponseWriter., [JSF2.NEXT] Converers on Input/Output
> components., [] A couple of things,
> [jsf2next] Need "Issue Captains" again: assign sub-components, Our
> good friend strikes again:, [ajax] Updated proposal for
> PartialResponseWriter, [admin] JSF 2.1 branch, [xmldecl-696]
> suppressing XML declaration for MR1, Another big article, Re: Quebec
> Trip report, [2.0.MR1-698-RedirectParam] view-param is supposed to
> be redirect-param, [JSF 2.1 NEW] composite component namespace
> simplification, [2.0.MR1-699-ViewParamHint] implicit navigation hint
> includeViewParams should be faces-include-view-params,
> [2.0.MR1-699-ViewParamHint] implicit navigation hint
> includeViewParams should be faces-include-view-params, 618 Martin
> Marinschek Nov 10 25/582 " Spec-Issue
> [jsf2next] might as well face it, Facelets is XML, JSF2 bashing on
> TSS, [JSF 2.1 NEW] behavior simplification, JSF libraries and
> checkstyle, A nice one, but it doesn't mention JSF2, first post on
> jsr-314-public, [jsr-314] Missing JSR2 webcast, Interesting poll,
> wrap ups of JSF Summit 2009, Please welcome Cagatay Civici to the
> JSR-314 EG, An observation on where we should focus attention,
> Nomination for Matthias Wessendorf, Additional nominations, Coercion
> in the EL,
> January - March 2010
> [jsf2next] Neil's specification edits, [ADMIN] hacking
> after-effects: ChangeLog missing, Re: missing<f:behavior>
> (convenience) tag, [] Pluggable VDL handler heavy depends
> from ViewHandler implementation., DRY and form with JSF 2, JSF 2 @
> Java EE code camp, [Fwd: CDI and JSF Phase Listeners], PortletFaces
> Bridge, Archives ?, [] Proposal to support new semantic
> HTML5 tags, " h:inputFile, [Behavior] Why is HtmlOutputText not a
> ClientBehaviorHolder ?, finding spec issues, Extended EG request,
> JSF 2.0 Rev A Change Log, tags for JSF critical
> articles, getting behind CDI, JSF 2.1 ajax spec enhancements,
> behavior issues with
> beforePhase and afterPhase, Vaadin, Leaving Sun, ExternalContext =>
> getServerInfo() is missing, and
>, cc.parent mystery, [jsf2next] PROJECT_STAGE
> system property configuration, [admin] JSFDays EG Meeting, Feb
> 23-25, 2010, StateHolder.setTransient JavaDoc Fix Added To Change
> Log, Composite.tld Fixes, Old version facelets taglib jars,
> Component Resource : Transient, EG Meeting: Wednesday 24 Febraury
> 2010 UTC 19:30, [admin] Rev 2.0 A - Issue Updates from Lincoln
> Baxter, FacesServlet declaration in Java EE 6, what do you envision
> for Java EE 7?, Migration: #{component} usage, Handling of "" vs
> null action outcomes, is<f:view contentType="text/html;
> charset=iso-8859-1"> a valid notation?, MethodRule API, company
> names as hyperlinks on, Change in Red Hat
> representation on JSF EG, PreRenderViewEvent navigation
> vs. setViewRoot() conflict, [217-column-style], is it valid to
> bundle classes that compiles on jdk 1.6 only on jsf impl jars?, Web
> Container injection support should be provided for additional
> lifecycle artifacts (not just managed beans), Submitting forms
> destroys bookmarkable URLs on re-render or validation failure.,
> client behaviors at JavaOne, Do we need PreFlashDestroyEvent?, add
> component resources depending on the owner component state,
> [736-implicit-nav-flag] implicit flag on NavigationCase,
> f:selectItems value="#{myMap}" underspecified,
> composite:clientBehavior missing documentation, PostAddToViewEvent
> publishing conditions, Enabling easier hotplugging, Blake? [Was:
> This mailinglist is horribly broken and we must migrate it], Fix
> UIData state saving model (issue 153), Tradmark text added as footer
> to all pages on,
> Start of archives at<>.
> March 2010
> Coercion in the EL, Enabling easier hotplugging, Expose
> TemplateClient api to make gracelets work with jsf 2.0,
> f:selectItems value="#{myMap}" underspecified, Fix UIData state
> saving model (issue 153), Fwd: Dynamisches Einschalten Development,
> PostAddToViewEvent publishing conditions, Use a Renderer on a
> composite
> April - June 2010
> javax.faces.view.facelets.ResourceResolver cannot be fully
> overriden , Cannot call invokeOnComponent on UIColumn without
> rowIndex , Fwd: State saving of UIViewParameter , question
> regarding ajax update cycle , Servlet-API dependency with
> resources, UIViewRoot.getComponentResources() documentation does
> not match with the implementation , [2.0RevA-C071] none scoped
> beansand at PostConstruct , [ADMIN] JSF Spec Short Term Plans ,
> [RESOLVED] Re: UIComponent.broadcast only propagate events on
> ClientBehavior instances , Ajax inside a DataTable , Cannot call
> UIComponent.getCurrentComponent() from UIComponent.restoreState()
> or UIComponent.saveState() , f:selectItems value="#{myMap}"
> underspecified , Fix UIData state saving model (issue 153) , Fwd:
> [Fwd: Re: Fwd: PostAddToViewEvent publishing conditions] , Fwd:
> PostAddToViewEvent publishing conditions , Fwd: State saving of
> UIViewParameter , javadoc bug f:param "disable" attribute ,
> javax.faces.ViewState + ppr case , pictures from EG meeting at
> JSFDays , PostAddToViewEvent publishing conditions , question
> regarding ajax update cycle , Repetitive calls to
> FacesContext.getCurrentInstance() from listeners of system events ,
> status of<composite:clientBehavior> (was Re: "for" attribute for
> <f:ajax>) , UIComponent.broadcast only propagate events on
> ClientBehavior instances , UIViewRoot.getComponentResources()
> documentation does not match with the implementation , Use a
> Renderer on a composite component , Visit Tree api cannot traverse
> "real" component tree, [2.0RevA-C071] none scoped beansand at
> PostConstruct , [545-VisitHints] proposal (was: Re: Tree visit
> hints [Was: ADMIN: Final list of issues for JSF 2.0 and actions for
> each]) , [806-PostRestoreStateDelivery] Proposal (was: Re: [806]
> Simplify PostRestoreStateEvent delivery) requirements , [806]
> Simplify PostRestoreStateEvent delivery requirements , [ADMIN]
> Expert Community meeting 20100707 13:00 EDT , ADMIN: JSF 2.0 Rev A
> Change Log On JCP Site For Review , Ajax inside a DataTable , Are
> JSF xml schemes public available ? , CDI constructor integration ,
> SVN branch for 2.0 Rev a work (minimal) created , Tree visit hints
> [Was: ADMIN: Final list of issues for JSF 2.0 and actions for each]
> July - September 2010
> [696-SuppressXmlDeclaration] PROPOSAL , Ajax inside a DataTable ,
> CDI constructor integration , Facelets Template Client API does not
> take into account tags semantic , Fwd: Fix UIData state saving
> model , Implement "hidden" attribute for composite tags (spec rev
> A) , Issue #559: Support for the "Synchronizer Token" pattern
> (avoiding double submits), Proposal [868-DropCURRENT_COMPONENT
> CURRENT_COMPOSITE_COMPONENT] , [490-XmlViews] Proposal ,
> [ADMIN]Decision: Drop support for JavaSE 5 in ongoing Oracle
> Mojarra 2.1 development efforts , Attribute and State Management in
> Custom ClientBehaviors , CDI constructor integration , CDI for
> Websphere 7 , CLOSED: small addition to composite component
> metadata specification , Fwd: Fix UIData state saving model ,
> JavaOne meeting , jsf.ajax.request: Bug or expected behavior? ,
> New Anti-JSF Blog , Proposal [868-DropCURRENT_COMPONENT
> CURRENT_COMPOSITE_COMPONENT] , Proposal: small addition to
> composite component metadata specification , update on Red Hat's
> participation in JSR-314 and JSF 2.1,
> [Mojarra-1512-FacesServlet.service] PROPOSAL ,
> [Mojarra-1812-FacesServlet.service] PROPOSAL , 490-XmlViews
> Processing JSPX files as Facelets , [Spec-869-Specify CSRF
> Solution] PROPOSAL(s) , Cannot register listener for
> PostConstructApplicationEvent and PreDestroyApplicationEvent using
> @ListenerFor annotation , Enhance conversion model is required
> because UIInput.submittedValue returns Object, but Converter
> suggest only String is allowed , Fwd: Fix UIData state saving model
> , Fwd: Re: JavaOne meeting , JavaOne meeting , JSF gathering @
> JavaOne (was Re: MyFaces @JavaOne?) , Just sent to JCP , MyFaces
> @JavaOne? , outputStylesheet generates URLs that can't load
> url(...) in CSS , REMOVED: Re: [Mojarra-1512-FacesServlet.service]
> PROPOSAL , seeking review: [777-FaceletCache] , Should the
> ViewDeclarationLanguage be responsible to indicate if a viewId can
> be created? , update on Red Hat's participation in JSR-314 and JSF
> 2.1
> October - December 2010
> [490-XmlViews][893-ViewDeclarationLanguage] REOPENED,
> [490-XmlViews][893-ViewDeclarationLanguage] RESOLVED,
> [755-cc:attributesSpecialKeys], [853-cc:clientBehaviorDocumentation]
> RESOLVED (was: Re: [2.1 Spec Review] composite:clientBehavior still
> missing), [901-DeprecateTargetConcept],
> [902-ViewDeclarationLanguageSelection] (was: Re: 490-XmlViews
> Processing JSPX files as Facelets), [903-ResponseWriterXmlNamespace]
> (was: Re: [490-XmlViews] RESOLVED: Namespace and DOCTYPE),
> [Mojarra-1812-FacesServlet.service] PROPOSAL,
> UIComponent.invokeOnComponent does not call pushComponentToEL() and
> popComponentFromEL(), 490-XmlViews Processing JSPX files as
> Facelets, [153-UIDataTransient] RESOLVED Re: [2.1 Spec Review]
> Transient State [Was: Fix UIData state saving model], [2.1 Spec
> Review] composite:clientBehavior still missing, [2.1 Spec Review]
> Pre/PostValidateEvent publishing conditions, [2.1 Spec Review]
> FaceletCache issues, [2.1 spec review] Small resource handling
> issues, [2.1 Spec Review] Transient State [Was: Fix UIData state
> saving model], [2.1 Spec Review] UIData state saving, [490-XmlViews]
> Chapter 11: The JSF XML View Syntax, [490-XmlViews] Namespace
> handling [Was: Chapter 11: The JSF XML View Syntax], [490-XmlViews]
> RESOLVED: Namespace and DOCTYPE, [537-PrePostValidate] RESOLVED
> (was: Re: [2.1 Spec Review] Pre/PostValidateEvent publishing
> conditions), [755-cc:attributesSpecialKeys] (was: Re:
> composite:attribute "targets" property does not match with
> ViewDeclarationLanguage.retargetMethodExpressions),
> [777-FaceletCache] RESOLVED (was: [2.1 Spec Review] FaceletCache
> issues), [859-MultiActionComponent] RESOLVED,
> [859-MultiActionComponent] RESOLVED (was: Re: Composite components
> only support one action) attribute (review of issue 859),
> [901-DeprecateTargetConcept], [901-DeprecateTargetsConcept] (was:
> Re: composite components: targets attribute revisited),
> [901-DeprecateTargetsConcept] PROPOSAL,
> [901-DeprecateTargetsConcept] (was: Re: composite components:
> targets attribute revisited), [jsf 2.1 Spec Review]
> javax.faces.ViewState in jsf.ajax.html, [JSF 2.1 spec review] jsdoc
> html errors?, [jsf 2.1 Spec Review] Section 14.4.3, [jsf 2.1 Spec
> Review] javax.faces.ViewState in jsf.ajax.html, [JSF 2.1 spec
> review] jsdoc html errors?, [Spec-869-Specify CSRF Solution]
> PROPOSAL, [Spec-869-Specify CSRF Solution] PROPOSAL(s), Auto Reply:
> Auto Reply: Re: [490-XmlViews] Chapter 11: The JSF XML View Syntax,
> Auto Reply: Auto Reply: Re: JCP Maintenance Review for JSF 2.1 ends
> on 22 October, Auto Reply: JSF 2.1 Omnibus reply, Auto Reply: Re:
> [755-cc:attributesSpecialKeys], Auto Reply: Re: 490-XmlViews
> Processing JSPX files as Facelets, Auto Reply: Re: [490-XmlViews]
> Chapter 11: The JSF XML View Syntax, Auto Reply: Re:
> [755-cc:attributesSpecialKeys] (was: Re: composite:attribute
> "targets" property does not match with
> ViewDeclarationLanguage.retargetMethodExpressions), Auto Reply: Re:
> [JSF 2.1 spec review] jsdoc html errors?, Auto Reply: Re:
> [Spec-869-Specify CSRF Solution] PROPOSAL(s), Auto Reply: Re: JCP
> Maintenance Review for JSF 2.1 ends on 22 October, Composite
> component file extensions, Composite components only support one
> action attribute (review of issue 859), composite components:
> targets attribute revisited, composite:attribute "targets" property
> does not match with
> ViewDeclarationLanguage.retargetMethodExpressions, Enhance
> conversion model is required because UIInput.submittedValue returns
> Object, but Converter suggest only String is allowed, Forward from
> Ed Burns: Close of review period for JSF 2.1, Fwd: Fix UIData state
> saving model, FYI: non-normative text added to
> FacesContext.setViewRoot(), Issue 537 included in JSF 2.0 Rev A is
> still not solved, JBoss provides JSR-314-OPEN archives, JCP
> Maintenance Review for JSF 2.1 ends on 22 October, JCP Maintenance
> Review for JSF 2.1 ends on 22 October (was:Re: Just sent to JCP),
> JCP Maintenance Review for JSF 2.1 ends on 22 October, JSF 2.1
> Omnibus reply, passing through of actionListener, action, .. not
> possible between composite components (review of issue 755), Sending
> message at 13:09 EDT, spec snapshot, ui:repeat requires document
> "begin" and "end" properties, UIComponent.invokeOnComponent does not
> call pushComponentToEL() and popComponentFromEL(),
> [153-UIDataStateSaving] spec clarifications requested by Andy,
> [901-DeprecateTargetsConcept], ANNOUNCE: JSF 2.1 Spec, Release
> Candidate Five, composite components: targets attribute revisited,
> Email archive?, JSF 2.1 final posted on, New Issuetrackers
> for Spec and Mojarra, [jsr-314-open] JSF 2.1 final posted on
>, [jsr-314-open] ViewScoped severe bug or expected behavior?
> January - March 2011
> JSR 329 (Portlet 2.0 Bridge for JavaServer Faces 1.2) finalized,
> approved and complete, f:param in f:ajax, Partial state saving +
> tree visiting, PostAddToViewEvent publishing conditions still
> inconsistent, [jsr-314-open] f:param in f:ajax, Should the
> ViewDeclarationLanguage be responsible to indicate if a viewId can
> be created?, Composite component metadata runtime behavior,
> PostRestoreStateEvent is not published using
> Application.publishEvent, Metadata complete jar files, JSFDays
> updates for
> April - June 2011
> Kickoff of JSF 2.2. Collect votes for issues to work on. JSF Logo
> contest started. [694-Flash]. Announce creation of twitter
> account. [1001-ccAndNonCc]. Start [730-Flows]. Form EG. Start
> [758-ViewActions]. Share Early Draft Review 1.
> July - September 2011
> CompositeComponent requires NamingContainer?
> AbortProcessingException handling inconsistent. Start [869-CSRF].
> First attempt at resolution. PartialStateSaving and tree
> visiting. Start and complete [622-f:ajaxEvent]. First edition of
> schedule GANTT chart. [611-FaceletFactory] FIXED. Expert draft
> available, including CSRF.
> October - December 2011
> New expert draft available with [802-fileUpload] and [730-flows].
> [1050-JavaScriptDelay] Provisionally closed. Define a standard
> structure for a JSF application, provisionally closed. Add Rossen
> Stoyanchev and David Schneider to JSF EG to help with [730-flows].
> January - March 2012
> jspx/XML CDATA handling. ServiceTracker contribution from
> RichFaces. EG member changes, Ken Finnigan replaces Jay
> Balunas. [220-ViewStateParamNameOnly] proposal. Accessibility.
> [594-FacesComponentTagHandler] provisionally closed. [949-WindowId]
> start discussion. Converters for checkboxes.
> [947-RelativeResources]
> proposal. [996-ConfigurableResourcesDirectory] started and fixed.
> [719-ViewIdToResourcePath]
> [703-FacesComponentValueAttributeOptional]
> CLOSED. [1080-ComponentContextId] [730-FlowsNaming]. Clear input
> values.
> April - June 2012
> UIComponent.getRenderer(). IBM membership change. Add Frank Caputo
> to EG. [730-Flows]. [1089-HTML5-DataAttributes]. Handling
> AbortProcessingException inconsistent. [971-MultiTemplating] first
> draft. [949-ClientWindow] Allocation of Responsibilities. PPS
> Discussion. [1111-PassThruElements] DISCUSSION.
> [1089-PassThruAttributes] JSON dependency.
> July - September 2012
> [1129-ClearInputValues]. [1111-PassThruElements] first commit
> complete. 20120727 spec
> draft. [1127-SerializeServerState]. [1087-ViewScopedCDI].
> [971-MultiTemplating] terms and scope. [1130-UserAgentNeedsUpdate].
> October - December 2012
> Spec Snapshot 20120924. Drive toward public review draft. Huge
> number of messages this quarter.
> [802-hiddenInlineFrameFileUpload]. [1142-ResourceLibraryContracts].
> [1141-ResourceIdentifier]. Public Review Draft Release Candidate 2
> and 3. [611-FacletFactory]. Ajax Updates via JSON. Start to get
> comprehensive review feedback.
> [1129-resetValues]. [1012-getApplicationPath].
> January - March 2013
> [1111-PassThruElements]. [1159-AjaxAccessibility]. Public Review
> Draft feedback. [869-CSRF]. [1055-StatelessJSF] Proposed and
> resolved. [730-Flows] Return node handling. Proposed Final Draft
> released to JCP. [763-Injection] and managed
> artifacts. [949-ClientWindo] review. [ResourceHandler] API
> review. [TagAttribute] API review. [ViewDeclarationLanguage] API
> Review. [PhaseID] API review. [984-ComponentContextManagement]
> added then pulled. [533-ApplicationConfigurationpopulator] [Flash]
> API review [UIOutput] API review. [UIViewRoot] API review. PFD
> handed off to JCP. [1159-AjaxAccessibility] [1070-Add
> ExternalContext#setFlash(Flash)]. [aria-required and aria-invalid].
> April 2013
> JSF 2.2 done.