[jsr344-experts mirror] [ADMIN] Welcome to JSF 2.3

From: Edward Burns <>
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 06:37:06 -0700

Hello Volunteers,

This message is sent to all members of javaserverfaces-spec-public,
including observers, but this message is really intended for Expert
Group members. Note that only JCP Expert Group (EG) members may
subscribe to jsr72-experts, and therefore only EG members may post to
this list.


  Hello and welcome to the JSR-372 Expert Group for developing version
  2.3 of the JavaServer Faces specification. If you're a veteran of
  past JSF JSRs, thanks for coming back again, we're very glad to have
  you. If you're new to JavaServer Faces spec development, welcome! We
  look forward to more fresh ideas. My name is Ed Burns. Manfred Riem
  and I will be your co-spec leads for this JSR.


  As stated on our JSR [1], This JSR aims to improve the clarity of the
  existing JavaServer Faces (JSF) specification and introduce a small,
  targeted set of new features as directed by community
  contribution. The
  list will be used for technical discussions in JSR-372.

Getting to know each other

  I know some of you from previous JSRs, but others are new. I'd like
  for everyone to share their user name. If you don't have
  one, please get one. We'll add everyone to the
  javaserverfaces-spec-public project. Please reply to this email,
  including where you live, who you represent, anything else you'd like
  to say and, optionally, a picture or a link to a picture of yourself.


  JavaServer Faces 2.3 is included in the the Java EE 8 platform
  schedule and will depend on Java EE 8 and JavaSE 8. This is a
  departure from all previous versions of JSF, which have always lagged
  one version behind the EE version in which it was included. This
  means JSF 2.3 can depend on other Java EE 8 technologies such as
  Servlet 4.0

  We need to have a discussion about what minimum browser support level
  should be.

Rights and Responsibilities

  Based on lessons we've learned from past JSRs, we think it would be
  useful to lay out some rights and responsibilites of the JSR-372 Spec
  Lead and EG members.

  * Your rights as a JSR-372-EG member

     - Timely response to emails

     - The issues you raise get dealt with and not fall on the floor

     - Be informed of schedule milestones and release plans as soon as

     - Have expectations set realistically, for example, the EG needs to
       be made aware that the JCP process can take a long time between
       when the actual spec discussion work is done, and when it is
       final. During that time, we are going through JCP process steps,
       working on the TCK and polishing the RI, writing the
       documentation, integrating it into the release vehicle, and
       qualifying it with third party products.

     - Have access to quality tools for distributed collaborative
       development. For example, the issue tracker, wiki, and IRC chat
       room and shared file space at

  * Your responsibilities as an EG Member

     - Be active in email discussions

     - On the rare occasions when we specifically ask for a VOTE, such
       as whether or not we declare that we've hit a JCP milestone, cast

     - Conduct all email in a professional manner, no flaming

     - Follow email discussion guidelines in this message

     - Stay within the scope of the JSR

     - Respect the spec lead's final call on the schedule for the JSR.

  * Our rights as spec leads

     - The authority to make the final call on the schedule for the JSR,
       after sincerely considering EG input

     - The authority to make executive decisions to settle deadlocks

     - The authority to shut down threads that are digressions.

     - The authority to break up email messages into separate threads to
       aid discussion.

  * Our responsiblities as spec leads

     - All new discussion threads receive a response within two days
       from Manfred or I, barring planned absences.

     - All discussion threads managed. If appropriate, they are
       associated with an issue-tracker issue.

     - See that each discussion thread is summarized and labeled as
       CLOSED when the discussion is resolved.

     - Keep the spec document up-to-date as issues are resolved


  All official spec discussion will happen on This list is
  archived at [2]. We used the archive heavily in past JSRs, so please
  test that you can access the archive.

  Please send all mail in ASCII, not HTML. If you must, non ASCII
  attachments are ok, but generally it's better to put that sort of
  thing as an attachment to an issue in the issue-tracker.

  As mentioned above, everyone needs a user id. We'll be using
  the javaserverfaces-spec-public [3] projects. We'll use the
  javaserverfaces-spec-public issue tracker for all issues [4]. We'll
  use the javaserverfaces-spec-eg subversion repository to host the
  development of the frame maker portion of the spec document from which
  the spec PDF is generated.

  We may have occasional conference calls if the need arises.

Reference Implementation and TCK

  The official reference implementation for JSR-372 is being developed
  out in the open on the project called javaserverfaces. The
  TCK will be developed by Oracle internally.

Email practices

  During JSR-344, we used the following conventions, and they seemed
  to work reasonably well, especially for the purposes of looking back
  over the archive.

    The subject line of All core discussion threads will be prefixed by
    TargetVersion is optional and is assumed to be JSFv2.3 if omitted.
    Having this convention covers us if we end up talking about
    something targeted at JSFv3.0. IssueNumber is the issue number in
    the javaserverfaces-spec-public issue tracker. ShortName is a
    WikiWord that enables us to look at the email subject line and
    quickly recall the topic of the thread. For example, Subject:
    "[43-XMLSchema] Status"

    If you want to originate a thread, send it to the EG prefixed by
    [NEW] in the subject line. If we see the need for an issue tracker
    issue, we'll put it in the issue tracker, re-subject the email to be
    prefixed with [IssueNumber-ShortName], and discussion will continue
    on that thread, NOT the thread with [NEW] in the title.

    Put [ADMIN] at the start of the subject line for all schedule and
    administrative related emails.

  I am open to other suggestions about how to best conduct the EG
  discussions over email.

Next Steps

  As you may know, next week is JavaOne 2014. Manfred and I are
  attending, as well as the following expert group members.

  Neil Griffin
  Josh Juneau
  Kito Mann

  We are having a face-to-face meeting, with conference call as well,
  the first day of JavaOne. It is a shared meeting with the Servlet EG.

  Date: Monday 29 September 2014


        14:00 San Francisco

        17:00 New York

        23:00 Vienna

  Phone number:

        +1 866 682 4770

        Conference code: 7821409

        Access code: 2323

  If you are calling in from a country other than the U.S.A., please
  reply to me only with the country you will be calling from and I'll
  hopefully have a toll-free number for you in that country.

  Please review the below Appendix to jog your memory of where we left
  off with JSF 2.2. As I was adding the content from JSF 2.2, I put a
  couple things on a wiki page:
  <>. Please feel free to add your own thoughts there.

Again, welcome, and we look forward to collaborating in the coming

Ed Burns





Appendix: JSF History

  To set the context, I'd like to share some history from past JSRs. From
  the email archive, here is a brief timeline of JSF development.

Start of archives at <>.

  17 August 2001

    The first official email on JSR-127 was sent. (that's over 13 years

  August - November 2001

    Gathering basic requirements, analyzing the state of the art of
    existing frameworks, choosing the top-level package name, business
    and licensing terms, and producing a basic component architecture.

  December 2001 - February 2002

    ObjectManager (precursor to managed-beans), first event model
    proposal, First draft of spec, discussion of spec, first validation
    proposal, BEA brings the importance of the Corporate Developer to
    the project.

  March - June 2002

    First discussion on config file, first discussion of EL alignment,
    with respect to JSTL EL, FactoryFinder proposal, event model
    discussions, first RI snapshot announced, Craig McClanahan takes
    over from Amy Fowler as spec lead, request processing lifecycle proposal,
    concrete vs abstract component classes, spec editorial discussion,
    application handler discussion, Component trees and JSP pages

  July - September 2002

    Standard RenderKit, refocus priorities on component model and event
    model, re-examine JSR requirements, JCP Community Review (12 August
    2002), conversion, L10N, formatting, Public Review Draft release.

  November 2002 - February 2003

    Introduced enact issue tracker usage, Ed Burns joins as co-spec
    lead, state saving proposal, organizational work, NamingContainer,
    Facets, RendererDelegation, event model rework

  March - June 2003

    ApplicationHandler, ConfigFiles, NavigationHandler, ManagedBeans,
    PhaseListener, ValueBinding, Hans asserts that JSP/Faces interaction
    has major issues, rtexprvalues for our TLD, Public Review Draft 2
    release, with RI.

  July - October 2003

    Introduced EG-accessible scarab issue tracker usage, UIData grid
    proposal, MethodBinding, Attribute/Property transparency,
    PropertyResolver/VariableResolver decorator pattern, validator,
    component binding proposal, "id" as a tag attribute, OutputMethods,
    concrete html components, component messages, StateSaving

  November 2003 - January 2004

    Continuing discussion, spec edits, bug reports, portlet integration,
    EA4 release of RI and spec, camelCase identifiers, converters,
    Standard RenderKit specification, component namespace,
    NamingContainer.SEPARATOR_CHAR and CSS, Multiple RenderKits,
    RenderKitId and StateSaving.

  February - August 2004

    Bug reports, 1.0 release candidate, ResourceBundle lookup, 1.0
    handoff 1.0 to JCP (12 February 2004), justification for "#{}
    delimiters", Calls for new features in jsf 1.1 and jsf 1.2,
    announcement of 1.1 version of spec, JavaOne face-to-face meeting,
    introduce my new manager, Tony Ng.

Start of archives at <>.

  September 2004

    Continuing PropertyResolver discussion ahead of JSF 1.2.

  October - December 2004

    Kick-off of JSR-252 and JSF 1.2. MethodBindings, Decorators,
    ResourceBundles, StateSavingWindowId, XML Schema, BigDecimal,
    ViewLifecycle, ELResolver, JSFJspTaglib, ValueBinding,
    MethodBinding, the big #{} vs ${} debate, UIDataProtectedModel,
    CoreTagsSpec, "div" renderer, StringLiteralAndAction,
    ImplicitObjectELResolver, EARLY DRAFT REVIEW

  January - March 2005

    StateSavingAndSecurity, ComponentMessageAssociation,
    AttributeTagELExpressions, DuplicateButtonPress, TreeCreation,
    ContentInterweaving, Face to Face Meeting, HeaderClasses,
    StartupTime, JSP-126 Faces "action" attribute,
    UIComponent.setValueExpression, JspIdGeneration,
    PluggableELResolver, c:forEach, TCCI, UIInputReset,
    RestoryViewBindingSpec, LostUpdate

  April - June 2005

    ELContext and ELResolver, PUBLIC REVIEW SPEC,
    Deferred Expressions in Tag Files,
    CommandLinkFormRendererDependency, MultipleRenderKits,
    ClientIdSpecification, ResourceBundleELResolver, c:forEach,
    UIDataStateSaving, TCCIAndUIColumn.encodeChildren,
    ManualRequiredValidation, TwoExtensionElements,
    ResourceInjectionSupport, ExternalContext.get*ContentType,
    ManagedBeanResourceBundle, formNameAttribute,

  July - September 2005

    JDK 5 requirements debate, JavaScriptFreePages, UIColumnEncodeAll,
    PerInstanceMessageOverride, h:inputParam,
    CurrentLocaleInELContext, LifecycleInitParam, UpdateFailedMessage,
    UpdateFailedMessage, PROPOSED FINAL DRAFT,
    AutocompleteAttribute, JavaSE5Generics, SessionMapClear,
    FacesConfigOrdering, ManagedBeanLifecycleAnnotation

  October - December 2005

    ManagedBeanLifecycleAnnotations, ContainerManagedAuthentication,

  January - March 2006

    BackwardsIncompatibilities, CreatManagedBeanOnStartup,
    EnumManagedBeanProperties, ChangeApplicationActionSignature,
    CoercionRulesForEnums, Jsf2.0Discussion, ComponentIdentifiers,
    InvokeOnComponent, ExternalContext.encodeNamespace,
    JspVersionForTagFiles, ViewIdCalculation,
    ExternalContext.isUserInRole, HeaderClassesFooterClasses,
    ComponentIdentifiers, EnumConverter, ValueExpressionFacetTagName,
    SelectItemsUnescape, UIDataLongMethods

  April - June 2006


  July - September 2006

    WhoDerivesTheViewId, MaintenanceReleaseConstraints, ErrataItems,
    CommandLinkSpecification, EnumConverterClarifyJavadocs,
    UIComponentELTag.setBinding, componentIdAssertion,
    setPropertyActionListener, DataTableAccessibility

  October - December 2006


  January - March 2007


  April - June 2007

    ComponentTreeManagement, JSF 2.0 JSR Filed

Start of archives at <>.

  July - September 2007

    EZComp, Data Binding, Expand the Component Set, Validation Changes, Client side API,
    JSR-301, JSR-273, Component Resources, Ajax, IDE integration, ConfigAnnotations

  October - December 2007

    Component Resources, EZComp, Ajax Collecting/Encoding view state,
    ComponentHandler, ComponentConfig, InitFacesContext, DevLifecycle,
    Ajax ResourceLoading

  January - March 2008

    Ajax ResourceLoading, Ajax, HEAD/BODY/FORM, Partial Submit,
    ConfigAnnotations, MegaListeners, ViewScope, Java EE 6 Web Profile,
    tracking which components have been visited, Groovy JSF Builder,
    PortletBridge, ResourceLoading, EL support for all classes,
    subscribeForEvent, UIData.invokeOnComponent, newScopes, support all
    extensions running at same level, Add ability to save view after
    lifecycle.execute, specify/improve recognition that a request is a
    postback, viewScope and component scope proposals.

  May - June 2008

    ViewController, JSF validation with annotations, EL support for all
    classes, JSF Toolkit developer's 2 cents, Collecting/Encoding
    ViewState, UIData.invokeOnComponent, ViewController,
    ResourceLoading, EventHandler proposal, static
    UIComponent.getCurrentComponent(), MegaListeners naming, StateSaving
    or EZComp?, Multiple Resource Annotation, Enums for navigation
    outcomes, Dump JSP, CompositeComponent UseCases,
    358-ExternalContextImprovements, CompositeComponent contract
    proposal, Pluggable scanning, facesContextScope,
    FacesContext.messageList, ExternalContextImprovements, support for
    sets, UIViewRoot.getViewMap, isRendered is overloaded,
    ELInAnnotationAttrs, SystemEventListenerHolderSet, EZComp

  July - September 2008

    ELInAnnotationAttrs, SystemEventListenerHolderSet, Bundling
    composite components with Facelets tag libs, nested attribute
    declarations, attributes implicit object, isRendered is overloaded,
    parameter support for EL MethodExpressions,
    FacesContext.getMessageList(), Support for Sets, Runtime PDL
    metadata, NavigationHandler lack of to-view-id, infer from outcome,
    Pluggable Annotation Scanning, Parameter support for El
    MethodExpressions, varargs in EL, Wicket State Links, Using
    Annotations as hints for state saving, use of Maps in component
    development, Proposal provide a generic way to get the wrapped

  October - December 2008

    ViewExpiredException handling, Create a decoration component based
    on ui:decorate that can be used for creating templated forms,
    Declarative AJAX API?, Allow f:selectItems to reference any
    Collection or array (not just those of SelectItem) AND [NEW - 451]
    Support for a "noSelection" in h:select*, Delta state saving and a
    ViewExpiredException - transient/stateless views, Trinidad delta
    state saving in the wild? delta pull-external approach, state saving
    in iterative components?, Re: [140-NewScopes] PROPOSAL: Add "flash"
    scope, JSF integration with Bean Validation (JSR-303) proposal, Re:
    state saving in iterative components?, Seeking Review: spec and impl
    for 453-ApplicationWrapper, 180-TreeVisitor, 150-BindingBlackBox,
    [265-DecorateRenderKit] PROPOSAL, View Expiry,
    [121-FacesConfigOrdering] Discussion, [NEW] Java EE security
    annotations, [NEW] Convenience methods for adding localized
    FacesMessages, [NEW] Threading issues, UIData, [TRIVIAL]
    capitalisation naming conventions, Re: [NEW] RegularExpression
    validator, [293-Ajax] Intuit: XML better than JSON for Ajax
    transport, [NEW] Interface for a form, [ADMIN-Schedule] JSF 2.0
    Endgame blog entry, [280-CompositeComponentResources] #{this}
    optional: NOT, [NEW] Add for attribute to <h:messages />, JSF/REST
    blog entries, Re: [139-StateSaving] Catchup reply, Re:
    [465-ManagedBeanAnnotations] PROPOSAL, Re: Exception handling v0.6,
    AfterAddToParentEvent and sub-tree issues, Ajax server-side
    lifecycle [Was: JSF 2.0 - Ajax Chapter, some comments], AjaxBehavior
    inheritance strategy, Declarative Ajax Update, Declarative Event
    Handling, Exception handling v0.7, Filed two new spec bugs - 501 +
    502 - composite components with Ajax, HLS on EZComp, Re: JSF 2.0 -
    Ajax Chapter, some comments, Re: JSF integration with Bean
    Validation (JSR-303) proposal (v1.0), PROPOSAL for EL method
    invocation, Proposal for renaming the JavaScript Global object, Two
    TreeVisitor enhancements, WebBeans Dependency,
    [115-ComponentResources] Moving to servlet spec, [161-SeparatorChar]
    PROPOSAL, [248-ExceptionHandler] Re: Exception handling v0.6,
    [274-facelet-libraries] init-param entry, [274-Facelets] More work
    for PageDeclarationLanguage, [274-PDL] Enable TLDDoc-type tool for
    facelets taglib files, [280-EZComp] "targets" attribute separator,
    [49-jsClientId] PROPOSAL, [ADMIN] Public Review Draft pre Release
    Candidate 1, Re: AfterAddToParentEvent and sub-tree issues, Changing
    the ajax.js file to jsf.js, Delivering javascript to the client -
    one file, or more?, Do we need [426-AnnotationBasedValidation] if we
    have JSR-303 support? Exception-Handling and UIInput.updateModel,
    Opened issue for f:event, REVIEW REQUESTED: Proposed change for Spec
    Issue 514, SOme minor comments on faclets taglib xsd, Use of
    <f:event /> to implement page actions, [121-JarOrdering] Small
    change, [139-StateManager] PROPOSAL, [153-UIDataStateSaving] Ideas?,
    [180-TreeVisitor] API proposal, [280-EZComp] Component Metadata
    Spec, [323-NullValue], [419,179-Navigation][488-Orchestration] What
    do we do here?, [451-noSelection] PROPOSAL, [NEW] @ManagedBean
    default naming strategy, [NEW] AjaxBehavior vs generic behaviors,
    [PROPOSAL] Complete Declarative Event Handling Proposal

  January - March 2009

    Add FacesContext accessor to ComponentSystemEvent?, Bean Validation
    integration update, CLOSED: Re: Fwd: new f:selectItems functionality
    may have a bug, Decorator ordering question as it relates to the
    portlet bridge, Re: Exception-Handling and UIInput.updateModel,
    FacesContextFactory change, Fwd: looking up the JSF implementation
    and spec version at runtime, Fwd: New JSF proposal with better
    bootstrap, Fwd: [519-PageParameters] version 0.1, Fwd: [JSF 2.0]
    UIComponent.getCurrentComponent behavior, No-Args Method for f:event
    target, Seeking Review: 10-extensionMetadata: no more context-param,
    Version, [10-Non-CoreMetadata] PROPOSAL, [140-Flash] c:set impl for
    Facelets, [419-ImplicitNavigation] CLOSED, [479-UIDataCollection]
    DEFERRED (was: Re: support for java.util.Collection in UIData and
    UIRepeat), [487 - BookmarkableLinks], [519-PageParameters]
    Significant change suggested, [519-PageParameters] version 0.1,
    [PROPOSAL: ExternalContextFactory], action vs. binding naming
    inconsistency, Re: AfterAddToParentEvent and sub-tree issues, API
    update for bookmarkable URLs, Composite components feedback,
    f:action for composite components?, Facelets API: resolver public?,
    flash should evaluate EL expressions, Fwd: bean validation change
    bundle, Fwd: Implicit child component for facets, Re: Fwd:
    [519-PageParameters] version 0.3, Give page actions a second
    chance!, Issue? Uniqueness of the ViewState parameter id, JSF
    2.0/Facelets public APIs: ComponentHandler,
    NavigationHandlerWrapper, Omit faces-config.xml entirely?, Open
    issue on view parameters: assignment of view parameters to a scope,
    Required servlet/jsp version, Re: REVIEW REQUESTED: Proposed change
    for Spec Issue 514, Status update: "behavior" support, URGENT:
    Bundled JavaScript is impossible to write for composite components!,
    [1-multiComponentValidation] PROPOSAL, [139-StateSaving] PROPOSAL,
    Re: [240-PageAction] Mostly DEFERRED, [328-varStatus-ui:repeat]
    PATCH, [333 - UIViewRoot NamingContainer] Can we consider this
    change?, [487- BookmarkableLinks] changebundle: Portlet problems
    with this proposal/change, [519-PageParameters] ADF requirements,
    [519-pageParameters] FYI: Review of Dan's changebundle,
    [519-PageParameters] version 0.3, [519-ViewParameters] Committed to
    spec, [NEW fn:concat], Re: JSF 2.0/Facelets public APIs:
    ComponentHandler, [ADMIN] ACTION: transparency mandate,

Start of archives at

  March 2009

    Behavior API overview, Dan Allen, default converter for
    java.util.Date type, facelets tag refactoring, Fwd:
    [426-BeanValidation] Default Enablement Change, Fwd: [NEW] <f:ajax>
    and <f:validateBean> - consistent wrapping solution needed?, Groovy
    support, h:body and <body> attributes, Re: Issue? Uniqueness of the
    ViewState parameter id, Re: JSF 2.0/Facelets public APIs:
    ComponentHandler, JSF and REST, Portlet support - remaining issues
    [Was: JSF 2.0 Spec Snapshot], Rename: PDL->VDL, Roger or Andy: high
    level question on Component Behaviors (was: Re: Behavior API
    overview), support for html entities, Why do we disallow EL for
    h:dataTable "var" attribute?, [426-BeanValidation] Default
    Enablement Change

  April - June 2009

    #{compositeComponent.attrs....}, @CustomScoped value attribute,
    Adding handling of CDATA blocks in ResponseWriter, adding the
    Serializable interface to DataModel, another important composite
    component template concern, compositions inside composite
    components, Re: default converter for java.util.Date type, Re: Fwd:
    URGENT - JSF 2 change, h:outputStylesheet docs need to be updated,
    JavaScript disabled support [Was: Outcome of JSFDays discussions],
    minor feature enhancement for Facelets/VDL, organizing composite
    component templates, Outcome of JSFDays discussions, required
    attributes in composite components, Tree visit hints [Was: ADMIN:
    Final list of issues for JSF 2.0 and actions for each], View and
    custom scoped eager managed beans?, [293-Ajax] REOPEN rename
    <f:ajax> to <f:clientBehavior>?, [549-AJAX] Keep server-side state
    ID for AJAX requests, Re: [Fwd: [NEW] <f:ajax> and <f:validateBean>
    - consistent wrapping solution needed?], "for" attribute for
    <f:ajax>, access to ViewMetadata facet, aggregating tag libraries
    under a common namespace, Ajax rendering of components among
    compositions?, begin success complete and rendered?, ChangeLog for
    JSF 2.0 Maintenance Release 1 started, data payload for ajax calls,
    deriving the name of a faces-config.xml document, Execute phase of
    lifecycle in spec, f:ajax not working inside composite components?,
    Facelets: XHTML vs. XML, h:outputScript doesn't work inside
    composite components, Mixing an ajax tag with a rendered attribute,
    sendAjaxRequest is not defined?, Spec Public Issue 552 Proposal,
    Adding a description field to the JavaScript event payload, Adding
    an extension mechanism to the JavaScript event data payload,
    annotation scanning (was Re: Meeting minutes from EG face-to-face at
    Sun's SF office post-JavaOne), Cleaning up the composite PDL, Re:
    inter-component and form-level validation, remove method for UI
    component tree, view actions prototype for your review

Start of archives at <>.

  July - September 2009

    Re: Cleaning up the composite PDL, Re: remove method for UI
    component tree, clarification for unnamed insert, Ajax validation,
    Ajax: Include View State For Forms That Are Partial Render Targets,
    <composite:attribute> optional?, f:event and composite components,
    Re: Wrapping Text with a tag - what's the correct behavior?, pdl
    docs change, Partial Response writer in conjunction with the
    component API, FYI: Annotations for JSF 2.0 specification,
    f:viewParam property javadoc inconsistent, EL property accessor name
    Forgiveness / Flexibility, request for listeners to support
    container injection and life-cycle callbacks, outputStylesheet and
    media type, bug #550, wishlists and issue reports, Providing the
    ability to instantiate EzComp components in Java code, Re:
    Inconsistency between Spec and XSD for include-view-params, Spelling
    Re: No @PhaseListener annotation in JSF 2.0?, FacesContext API, [NEW
    - MR] Add ExpressionFactory to "11.4.6 Delegating Implementation
    Support", eval of inline scripts, inter-component and form-level
    validation, Roger and I forgot to remove a class:
    PostAddToViewNonPDLEvent, [AjaxBehaviorEventAttribute] why must it
    be a literal?, FYI: onchange for radio and checkbox, Fwd: Minor
    corrections and request for clarification, localePrefix for
    resources, Metadata complete jar files, [Fwd: Re: Browser
    Dependencies], Faces continues processes lifecycle even when
    facesContext.responseComplete() has been called, h:outputScript
    target="head" is rendered in body when partial state saving is used
    and there is a postback, Autoupdate / always render,
    PostRestoreStateEvent called more that once for components inside
    UIData instances (h:dataTable), Need guidance: invalid assumptions
    in design of resource versioning feature, Nested composite component
    facet insertion/rendering issue, Spec clarification: features not
    available in JSP, composite:insertFacet target facet name, AJAX
    library in JSF 2.0, revisiting the JSR-314 openness policy,
    <h:dataTable> binding vs. ui:repeat, Evaluating EL in resource files

  October - December 2009

    clarification on f:validateRequired, Components, localePrefix,
    Amendment to section 2.2.1 Restore View, New spec issue 659 -
    MethodExpressionActionListener.processAction() logs and wraps
    exceptions in AbortProcessingExceptions, [OT] faces-config.xml
    names, rendered attribute for ui:component, ui:fragment?, UIViewRoot
    afterPhase, Fwd: [seam-dev] Interesting feedback on error reports,
    JSF logo, Errata: contentType and encoding on f:view, jsf 2
    evaluation and test, f:ajax behavior renderer question/discussion,
    Reorganized categories on spec issue tracker, agenda items for JSF
    Summit, (JSF Root Node), My performance AI
    from the EG meeting, jsr-314-Ajax-ext Alias Deleted, [community]
    feedback from #devoxx #jsf2next presentation, [ajax] My AI on
    PartialResponseWriter., [JSF2.NEXT] Converers on Input/Output
    components., [] A couple of things,
    [jsf2next] Need "Issue Captains" again: assign sub-components, Our
    good friend strikes again:, [ajax] Updated proposal for
    PartialResponseWriter, [admin] JSF 2.1 branch, [xmldecl-696]
    suppressing XML declaration for MR1, Another big article, Re: Quebec
    Trip report, [2.0.MR1-698-RedirectParam] view-param is supposed to
    be redirect-param, [JSF 2.1 NEW] composite component namespace
    simplification, [2.0.MR1-699-ViewParamHint] implicit navigation hint
    includeViewParams should be faces-include-view-params,
    [2.0.MR1-699-ViewParamHint] implicit navigation hint
    includeViewParams should be faces-include-view-params, 618 Martin
    Marinschek Nov 10 25/582 " Spec-Issue,
    [jsf2next] might as well face it, Facelets is XML, JSF2 bashing on
    TSS, [JSF 2.1 NEW] behavior simplification, JSF libraries and
    checkstyle, A nice one, but it doesn't mention JSF2, first post on
    jsr-314-public, [jsr-314] Missing JSR2 webcast, Interesting poll,
    wrap ups of JSF Summit 2009, Please welcome Cagatay Civici to the
    JSR-314 EG, An observation on where we should focus attention,
    Nomination for Matthias Wessendorf, Additional nominations, Coercion
    in the EL,

  January - March 2010

    [jsf2next] Neil's specification edits, [ADMIN] hacking
    after-effects: ChangeLog missing, Re: missing <f:behavior>
    (convenience) tag, [] Pluggable VDL handler heavy depends
    from ViewHandler implementation., DRY and form with JSF 2, JSF 2 @
    Java EE code camp, [Fwd: CDI and JSF Phase Listeners], PortletFaces
    Bridge, Archives ?, [] Proposal to support new semantic
    HTML5 tags, " h:inputFile, [Behavior] Why is HtmlOutputText not a
    ClientBehaviorHolder ?, finding spec issues, Extended EG request,
    JSF 2.0 Rev A Change Log, tags for JSF critical
    articles, getting behind CDI, JSF 2.1 ajax spec enhancements,
    behavior issues with
    beforePhase and afterPhase, Vaadin, Leaving Sun, ExternalContext =>
    getServerInfo() is missing, and, cc.parent mystery, [jsf2next] PROJECT_STAGE
    system property configuration, [admin] JSFDays EG Meeting, Feb
    23-25, 2010, StateHolder.setTransient JavaDoc Fix Added To Change
    Log, Composite.tld Fixes, Old version facelets taglib jars,
    Component Resource : Transient, EG Meeting: Wednesday 24 Febraury
    2010 UTC 19:30, [admin] Rev 2.0 A - Issue Updates from Lincoln
    Baxter, FacesServlet declaration in Java EE 6, what do you envision
    for Java EE 7?, Migration: #{component} usage, Handling of "" vs
    null action outcomes, is <f:view contentType="text/html;
    charset=iso-8859-1"> a valid notation?, MethodRule API, company
    names as hyperlinks on, Change in Red Hat
    representation on JSF EG, PreRenderViewEvent navigation
    vs. setViewRoot() conflict, [217-column-style], is it valid to
    bundle classes that compiles on jdk 1.6 only on jsf impl jars?, Web
    Container injection support should be provided for additional
    lifecycle artifacts (not just managed beans), Submitting forms
    destroys bookmarkable URLs on re-render or validation failure.,
    client behaviors at JavaOne, Do we need PreFlashDestroyEvent?, add
    component resources depending on the owner component state,
    [736-implicit-nav-flag] implicit flag on NavigationCase,
    f:selectItems value="#{myMap}" underspecified,
    composite:clientBehavior missing documentation, PostAddToViewEvent
    publishing conditions, Enabling easier hotplugging, Blake? [Was:
    This mailinglist is horribly broken and we must migrate it], Fix
    UIData state saving model (issue 153), Tradmark text added as footer
    to all pages on,

Start of archives at <>.

   March 2010

     Coercion in the EL, Enabling easier hotplugging, Expose
     TemplateClient api to make gracelets work with jsf 2.0,
     f:selectItems value="#{myMap}" underspecified, Fix UIData state
     saving model (issue 153), Fwd: Dynamisches Einschalten Development,
     PostAddToViewEvent publishing conditions, Use a Renderer on a

   April - June 2010

     javax.faces.view.facelets.ResourceResolver cannot be fully
     overriden , Cannot call invokeOnComponent on UIColumn without
     rowIndex , Fwd: State saving of UIViewParameter , question
     regarding ajax update cycle , Servlet-API dependency with
     resources, UIViewRoot.getComponentResources() documentation does
     not match with the implementation , [2.0RevA-C071] none scoped
     beansand at PostConstruct , [ADMIN] JSF Spec Short Term Plans ,
     [RESOLVED] Re: UIComponent.broadcast only propagate events on
     ClientBehavior instances , Ajax inside a DataTable , Cannot call
     UIComponent.getCurrentComponent() from UIComponent.restoreState()
     or UIComponent.saveState() , f:selectItems value="#{myMap}"
     underspecified , Fix UIData state saving model (issue 153) , Fwd:
     [Fwd: Re: Fwd: PostAddToViewEvent publishing conditions] , Fwd:
     PostAddToViewEvent publishing conditions , Fwd: State saving of
     UIViewParameter , javadoc bug f:param "disable" attribute ,
     javax.faces.ViewState + ppr case , pictures from EG meeting at
     JSFDays , PostAddToViewEvent publishing conditions , question
     regarding ajax update cycle , Repetitive calls to
     FacesContext.getCurrentInstance() from listeners of system events ,
     status of <composite:clientBehavior> (was Re: "for" attribute for
     <f:ajax>) , UIComponent.broadcast only propagate events on
     ClientBehavior instances , UIViewRoot.getComponentResources()
     documentation does not match with the implementation , Use a
     Renderer on a composite component , Visit Tree api cannot traverse
     "real" component tree, [2.0RevA-C071] none scoped beansand at
     PostConstruct , [545-VisitHints] proposal (was: Re: Tree visit
     hints [Was: ADMIN: Final list of issues for JSF 2.0 and actions for
     each]) , [806-PostRestoreStateDelivery] Proposal (was: Re: [806]
     Simplify PostRestoreStateEvent delivery) requirements , [806]
     Simplify PostRestoreStateEvent delivery requirements , [ADMIN]
     Expert Community meeting 20100707 13:00 EDT , ADMIN: JSF 2.0 Rev A
     Change Log On JCP Site For Review , Ajax inside a DataTable , Are
     JSF xml schemes public available ? , CDI constructor integration ,
     SVN branch for 2.0 Rev a work (minimal) created , Tree visit hints
     [Was: ADMIN: Final list of issues for JSF 2.0 and actions for each]

   July - September 2010

     [696-SuppressXmlDeclaration] PROPOSAL , Ajax inside a DataTable ,
     CDI constructor integration , Facelets Template Client API does not
     take into account tags semantic , Fwd: Fix UIData state saving
     model , Implement "hidden" attribute for composite tags (spec rev
     A) , Issue #559: Support for the "Synchronizer Token" pattern
     (avoiding double submits), Proposal [868-DropCURRENT_COMPONENT
     CURRENT_COMPOSITE_COMPONENT] , [490-XmlViews] Proposal ,
     [ADMIN]Decision: Drop support for JavaSE 5 in ongoing Oracle
     Mojarra 2.1 development efforts , Attribute and State Management in
     Custom ClientBehaviors , CDI constructor integration , CDI for
     Websphere 7 , CLOSED: small addition to composite component
     metadata specification , Fwd: Fix UIData state saving model ,
     JavaOne meeting , jsf.ajax.request: Bug or expected behavior? ,
     New Anti-JSF Blog , Proposal [868-DropCURRENT_COMPONENT
     CURRENT_COMPOSITE_COMPONENT] , Proposal: small addition to
     composite component metadata specification , update on Red Hat's
     participation in JSR-314 and JSF 2.1,
     [Mojarra-1512-FacesServlet.service] PROPOSAL ,
     [Mojarra-1812-FacesServlet.service] PROPOSAL , 490-XmlViews
     Processing JSPX files as Facelets , [Spec-869-Specify CSRF
     Solution] PROPOSAL(s) , Cannot register listener for
     PostConstructApplicationEvent and PreDestroyApplicationEvent using
     @ListenerFor annotation , Enhance conversion model is required
     because UIInput.submittedValue returns Object, but Converter
     suggest only String is allowed , Fwd: Fix UIData state saving model
     , Fwd: Re: JavaOne meeting , JavaOne meeting , JSF gathering @
     JavaOne (was Re: MyFaces @JavaOne?) , Just sent to JCP , MyFaces
     @JavaOne? , outputStylesheet generates URLs that can't load
     url(...) in CSS , REMOVED: Re: [Mojarra-1512-FacesServlet.service]
     PROPOSAL , seeking review: [777-FaceletCache] , Should the
     ViewDeclarationLanguage be responsible to indicate if a viewId can
     be created? , update on Red Hat's participation in JSR-314 and JSF

  October - December 2010

    [490-XmlViews][893-ViewDeclarationLanguage] REOPENED,
    [490-XmlViews][893-ViewDeclarationLanguage] RESOLVED,
    [755-cc:attributesSpecialKeys], [853-cc:clientBehaviorDocumentation]
    RESOLVED (was: Re: [2.1 Spec Review] composite:clientBehavior still
    missing), [901-DeprecateTargetConcept],
    [902-ViewDeclarationLanguageSelection] (was: Re: 490-XmlViews
    Processing JSPX files as Facelets), [903-ResponseWriterXmlNamespace]
    (was: Re: [490-XmlViews] RESOLVED: Namespace and DOCTYPE),
    [Mojarra-1812-FacesServlet.service] PROPOSAL,
    UIComponent.invokeOnComponent does not call pushComponentToEL() and
    popComponentFromEL(), 490-XmlViews Processing JSPX files as
    Facelets, [153-UIDataTransient] RESOLVED Re: [2.1 Spec Review]
    Transient State [Was: Fix UIData state saving model], [2.1 Spec
    Review] ViewHandler.FACELETS_SUPPRESS_XML_DECLARATION, [2.1 Spec
    Review] composite:clientBehavior still missing, [2.1 Spec Review]
    Pre/PostValidateEvent publishing conditions, [2.1 Spec Review]
    FaceletCache issues, [2.1 spec review] Small resource handling
    issues, [2.1 Spec Review] Transient State [Was: Fix UIData state
    saving model], [2.1 Spec Review] UIData state saving, [490-XmlViews]
    Chapter 11: The JSF XML View Syntax, [490-XmlViews] Namespace
    handling [Was: Chapter 11: The JSF XML View Syntax], [490-XmlViews]
    RESOLVED: Namespace and DOCTYPE, [537-PrePostValidate] RESOLVED
    (was: Re: [2.1 Spec Review] Pre/PostValidateEvent publishing
    conditions), [755-cc:attributesSpecialKeys] (was: Re:
    composite:attribute "targets" property does not match with
    [777-FaceletCache] RESOLVED (was: [2.1 Spec Review] FaceletCache
    issues), [859-MultiActionComponent] RESOLVED,
    [859-MultiActionComponent] RESOLVED (was: Re: Composite components
    only support one action) attribute (review of issue 859),
    [901-DeprecateTargetConcept], [901-DeprecateTargetsConcept] (was:
    Re: composite components: targets attribute revisited),
    [901-DeprecateTargetsConcept] PROPOSAL,
    [901-DeprecateTargetsConcept] (was: Re: composite components:
    targets attribute revisited), [jsf 2.1 Spec Review]
    javax.faces.ViewState in jsf.ajax.html, [JSF 2.1 spec review] jsdoc
    html errors?, [jsf 2.1 Spec Review] Section 14.4.3, [jsf 2.1 Spec
    Review] javax.faces.ViewState in jsf.ajax.html, [JSF 2.1 spec
    review] jsdoc html errors?, [Spec-869-Specify CSRF Solution]
    PROPOSAL, [Spec-869-Specify CSRF Solution] PROPOSAL(s), Auto Reply:
    Auto Reply: Re: [490-XmlViews] Chapter 11: The JSF XML View Syntax,
    Auto Reply: Auto Reply: Re: JCP Maintenance Review for JSF 2.1 ends
    on 22 October, Auto Reply: JSF 2.1 Omnibus reply, Auto Reply: Re:
    [755-cc:attributesSpecialKeys], Auto Reply: Re: 490-XmlViews
    Processing JSPX files as Facelets, Auto Reply: Re: [490-XmlViews]
    Chapter 11: The JSF XML View Syntax, Auto Reply: Re:
    [755-cc:attributesSpecialKeys] (was: Re: composite:attribute
    "targets" property does not match with
    ViewDeclarationLanguage.retargetMethodExpressions), Auto Reply: Re:
    [JSF 2.1 spec review] jsdoc html errors?, Auto Reply: Re:
    [Spec-869-Specify CSRF Solution] PROPOSAL(s), Auto Reply: Re: JCP
    Maintenance Review for JSF 2.1 ends on 22 October, Composite
    component file extensions, Composite components only support one
    action attribute (review of issue 859), composite components:
    targets attribute revisited, composite:attribute "targets" property
    does not match with
    ViewDeclarationLanguage.retargetMethodExpressions, Enhance
    conversion model is required because UIInput.submittedValue returns
    Object, but Converter suggest only String is allowed, Forward from
    Ed Burns: Close of review period for JSF 2.1, Fwd: Fix UIData state
    saving model, FYI: non-normative text added to
    FacesContext.setViewRoot(), Issue 537 included in JSF 2.0 Rev A is
    still not solved, JBoss provides JSR-314-OPEN archives, JCP
    Maintenance Review for JSF 2.1 ends on 22 October, JCP Maintenance
    Review for JSF 2.1 ends on 22 October (was:Re: Just sent to JCP),
    JCP Maintenance Review for JSF 2.1 ends on 22 October, JSF 2.1
    Omnibus reply, passing through of actionListener, action, .. not
    possible between composite components (review of issue 755), Sending
    message at 13:09 EDT, spec snapshot, ui:repeat requires document
    "begin" and "end" properties, UIComponent.invokeOnComponent does not
    call pushComponentToEL() and popComponentFromEL(),
    [153-UIDataStateSaving] spec clarifications requested by Andy,
    [901-DeprecateTargetsConcept], ANNOUNCE: JSF 2.1 Spec, Release
    Candidate Five, composite components: targets attribute revisited,
    Email archive?, JSF 2.1 final posted on, New Issuetrackers
    for Spec and Mojarra, [jsr-314-open] JSF 2.1 final posted on, [jsr-314-open] ViewScoped severe bug or expected behavior?

  January - March 2011

    JSR 329 (Portlet 2.0 Bridge for JavaServer Faces 1.2) finalized,
    approved and complete, f:param in f:ajax, Partial state saving +
    tree visiting, PostAddToViewEvent publishing conditions still
    inconsistent, [jsr-314-open] f:param in f:ajax, Should the
    ViewDeclarationLanguage be responsible to indicate if a viewId can
    be created?, Composite component metadata runtime behavior,
    PostRestoreStateEvent is not published using
    Application.publishEvent, Metadata complete jar files, JSFDays
    updates for

  April - June 2011

    Kickoff of JSF 2.2. Collect votes for issues to work on. JSF Logo
    contest started. [694-Flash]. Announce creation of twitter
    account. [1001-ccAndNonCc]. Start [730-Flows]. Form EG. Start
    [758-ViewActions]. Share Early Draft Review 1.

  July - September 2011

    CompositeComponent requires NamingContainer?
    AbortProcessingException handling inconsistent. Start [869-CSRF].
    First attempt at resolution. PartialStateSaving and tree
    visiting. Start and complete [622-f:ajaxEvent]. First edition of
    schedule GANTT chart. [611-FaceletFactory] FIXED. Expert draft
    available, including CSRF.

  October - December 2011

    New expert draft available with [802-fileUpload] and [730-flows].
    [1050-JavaScriptDelay] Provisionally closed. Define a standard
    structure for a JSF application, provisionally closed. Add Rossen
    Stoyanchev and David Schneider to JSF EG to help with [730-flows].

  January - March 2012

    jspx/XML CDATA handling. ServiceTracker contribution from
    RichFaces. EG member changes, Ken Finnigan replaces Jay
    Balunas. [220-ViewStateParamNameOnly] proposal. Accessibility.
    [594-FacesComponentTagHandler] provisionally closed. [949-WindowId]
    start discussion. Converters for checkboxes.
    proposal. [996-ConfigurableResourcesDirectory] started and fixed.
    CLOSED. [1080-ComponentContextId] [730-FlowsNaming]. Clear input

  April - June 2012

    UIComponent.getRenderer(). IBM membership change. Add Frank Caputo
    to EG. [730-Flows]. [1089-HTML5-DataAttributes]. Handling
    AbortProcessingException inconsistent. [971-MultiTemplating] first
    draft. [949-ClientWindow] Allocation of Responsibilities. PPS
    Discussion. [1111-PassThruElements] DISCUSSION.
    [1089-PassThruAttributes] JSON dependency.

  July - September 2012

    [1129-ClearInputValues]. [1111-PassThruElements] first commit
    complete. 20120727 spec
    draft. [1127-SerializeServerState]. [1087-ViewScopedCDI].
    [971-MultiTemplating] terms and scope. [1130-UserAgentNeedsUpdate].

  October - December 2012

    Spec Snapshot 20120924. Drive toward public review draft. Huge
    number of messages this quarter.
    [802-hiddenInlineFrameFileUpload]. [1142-ResourceLibraryContracts].
    [1141-ResourceIdentifier]. Public Review Draft Release Candidate 2
    and 3. [611-FacletFactory]. Ajax Updates via JSON. Start to get
    comprehensive review feedback.
    [1129-resetValues]. [1012-getApplicationPath].

  January - March 2013

    [1111-PassThruElements]. [1159-AjaxAccessibility]. Public Review
    Draft feedback. [869-CSRF]. [1055-StatelessJSF] Proposed and
    resolved. [730-Flows] Return node handling. Proposed Final Draft
    released to JCP. [763-Injection] and managed
    artifacts. [949-ClientWindo] review. [ResourceHandler] API
    review. [TagAttribute] API review. [ViewDeclarationLanguage] API
    Review. [PhaseID] API review. [984-ComponentContextManagement]
    added then pulled. [533-ApplicationConfigurationpopulator] [Flash]
    API review [UIOutput] API review. [UIViewRoot] API review. PFD
    handed off to JCP. [1159-AjaxAccessibility] [1070-Add
    ExternalContext#setFlash(Flash)]. [aria-required and aria-invalid].

  April 2013

    JSF 2.2 done.

| | office: +1 407 458 0017
|  3 work days til JavaOne 2014
|  -1 work days til start of JSF 2.3 and Servlet 4.0
| | office: +1 407 458 0017
|  2 work days til JavaOne 2014
|  -2 work days til start of JSF 2.3 and Servlet 4.0