[jsr344-experts mirror] [jsr344-experts] Re: Attention Pivotal/SpringSource folks: Faces Flows and SWF

From: Edward Burns <>
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 12:20:26 -0800

>>>>> On Thu, 16 Jan 2014 22:40:32 -0500, Leonardo Uribe <> said:

LU> Hi
LU> Just FYI, recently an user made a comment about a use case he has for
LU> Faces Flow in MyFaces:

LU> Subject: JSF 2.2 Exit Flow

LU> "... I have an application that consists of a dropdown menu bar with
LU> many menu items. Each menu item will initiate a new faces flow. This
LU> is working correctly, however, once I am inside a flow, I would like
LU> any click on a menu item to exit the current flow, and then start a
LU> new one. There are dozens of menu items in the application, so I was
LU> wondering if there is any way to have the current flow automatically
LU> exit when a menu item is clicked without having to define a
LU> flow-return for each menu item? ..."

LU> What he is looking for is precisely what we are discussing here.

LU> 1. Global navigation should still work even if the user enters into a flow.
LU> 2. A navigation to a page outside a flow in some cases should trigger
LU> an exit from the flow automatically, but in others that's not
LU> necessary true.

I tested this with the latest Mojarra and you are correct. Abandoning a
flow while simultaneously entering another flow is not allowed.
Currently you have to visit the unbounded flow first and then enter the
new flow.

I have opened spec issue 1253 on this and also ask for more feedback
here if people think this should really be supported.


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