
[jsr366-experts] Re: global resources

From: Jeff Genender <jgenender_at_savoirtech.com>
Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2015 06:34:16 -0700


> On Feb 9, 2015, at 5:19 PM, Bill Shannon <bill.shannon_at_oracle.com> wrote:
> Here's another issue that we're looking to clarify...
> In section EE.5.2.2 of the platform spec it says:
> If multiple application components declare an environment entry
> in one of the shared namespaces, all attributes of that entry
> must be identical in each declaration. For example, if multiple
> components declare a resource reference with the same java:app
> name, the authentication and shareable attributes must be
> identical.
> If all attributes of each declaration of a shared environment
> entry are not identical, this must be reported as a deployment
> error to the Deployer. The deployment tool may allow the
> Deployer to correct the error and continue deployment.
> What's not completely clear is what should happen if multiple application
> components *in different applications* declare an entry in the java:global
> namespace. There are a few possibilities:
> A. disallow
> app1 declares java:global/myDB
> app2 declares java:global/myDB with identical attributes
> app1 is deployed, java:global/myDB is created
> app2 fails to deploy because the name java:global/myDB is already in use
> B. allow, creator owns
> app1 declares java:global/myDB
> app2 declares java:global/myDB with identical attributes
> app1 is deployed, java:global/myDB is created
> app2 is deployed, java:global/myDB already exists
> app1 is undeployed, java:global/myDB is removed
> app2 no longer has access to java:global/myDB
> C. allow, no reference counting
> app1 declares java:global/myDB
> app2 declares java:global/myDB with identical attributes
> app1 is deployed, java:global/myDB is created
> app2 is deployed, java:global/myDB already exists
> app2 is undeployed, java:global/myDB is removed
> app1 no longer has access to java:global/myDB
> D. allow, reference counting
> app1 declares java:global/myDB
> app2 declares java:global/myDB with identical attributes
> app1 is deployed, java:global/myDB is created
> app2 is deployed, java:global/myDB already exists
> app1 is undeployed, java:global/myDB still exists
> app2 is undeployed, java:global/myDB is removed
> For Java EE implementors:
> Which approach do you implement?
> A. disallow
> B. allow, creator owns
> C. allow, no reference counting
> D. allow, reference counting
> E. other (explain)

A - with a caveat of a nasty error message somewhere clearly explaining what happened.

> For Java EE developers:
> Which approach do you expect?
> A. disallow
> B. allow, creator owns
> C. allow, no reference counting
> D. allow, reference counting
> E. other (explain)
> For everyone:
> Which approach do you think the Java EE 7 spec requires?
> A. disallow
> B. allow, creator owns
> C. allow, no reference counting
> D. allow, reference counting
> E. other (explain)

A - same as above.


> Thanks.