I am breaking up the thread "[jsr375-experts] Re: Read-Only Identity
Store Proposal" into topics for easier consumption.
On 10/6/15 11:13 AM, arjan tijms wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sat, Oct 3, 2015 at 5:57 AM, Alex Kosowski<alex.kosowski_at_oracle.com> wrote:
>> [Alex] When adding custom Credential support, this approach would require
>> one to refactor existing/tested code in existing IdentityStore
>> implementations.
>> The CredentialValidator approach separates the credential-specific logic
>> away from the persistence IdentityStore. Using the CredentialValidator,
>> custom credential support may be added to an existing IdentityStore simply
>> by adding a new jar to the classpath which contains the Credential and
>> CredentialValidator implementations.
> There is something to say for that indeed and I could see its value.
> I do wonder how many existing identity stores would be able to support
> this fully though. E.g. consider a JDBC identity store that stores
> caller names and passwords. If I would add a CredentialValidator for
> Client certificates, this store would not easily be able to handle
> that, would it? Since eventually what is being stored is a password.
[Alex] Each persistence-mechanism specific IdentityStore implementation
(e.g. DatabaseIdentityStore) would have to make appropriate APIs
available to use the persistence mechanism. For example, the
DatabaseIdentityStore should have a public method to get the DataSource
or connection. The LdapIdentityStore should have a public method to get
the LdapContext. A CredentialValidator implementation would be
registered, via @Validator, for specific persistence IdentityStores. For
example, a CredentialValidator implementation registered for a
DatabaseIdentityStore would know about the public API to get the
DataSource from the DatabaseIdentityStore and use it.
Similar (but perhaps protected) methods would be required if credential
support were added via subclassing of the persistence-mechanism specific
IdentityStore implementation. I do not see technical limitations unique
to either approach.
This seems to be more of a "composition vs inheritence" issue.
> Another thing is that a CredentialValidator is another moving part. If
> I'm reading the proposal correctly I think it's not required to be
> used, but we may want to clarify that.
[Alex] Correct, not required for the default
CallernamePasswordCredential support.
> We learned a bit with JSF that having many required moving parts is
> typically not well received by users. E.g. in JSF a custom component
> had many moving parts, which I'm sure were initially well meant. They
> allowed the user to separate tag handlers from components, component
> "bodies" from their renderers, component IDs from their
> implementations and what have you. Theoretically quite powerful, but
> mandating all of that gave them the name of being heavyweight and in
> general many users avoided them.
[Alex] Well, we certainly do not want it to be heavyweight with too many
moving parts. But the CredentialValidator is the only separate "strategy
pattern" component in the proposal. This is made very simple with CDI,
since no explicit registration is required...just put the
CredentialValidator implementation in the class path and it
"automagically" is discovered.
Incidently, I started this most recent proposal with an approach without
CredentialValidators, using individual interfaces for each of the
credential types. For example:
public interface CallernamePasswordValidator {
CredentialValidationResult validate(CallernamePasswordCredential
public class LdapIdentityStore
extends AbstractIdentityStore
implements CallernamePasswordValidator, TokenValidator {
public CredentialValidationResult
validate(CallernamePasswordCredential credential) {..}
public CredentialValidationResult validate(TokenCredential
credential) {..}
// etc...
This seemed really simple and did not even require CDI Qualifiers. But I
thought the API and implementation would become a mess as more and more
credential types were added.
With regards,