
[jsr375-experts] Re: 1-TerminologyAuthInteractionVsStore

From: Alex Kosowski <alex.kosowski_at_oracle.com>
Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2015 22:25:07 -0400


I created a draft document for adding/editing EE Security API
Terminology on an on-going basis.


This a Google doc viewable by the public and editable by those in the
Google Group jsr375-experts_at_googlegroups.com, of which all of you should
be a member. <jsr375-experts_at_googlegroups.com,>


On 3/8/15 5:01 PM, arjan tijms wrote:
> Hi there,
> A while ago I created
> https://java.net/jira/browse/JAVAEE_SECURITY_SPEC-1, which seeks to
> establish clear terminology for two concepts that often come up in
> authentication:
> 1. The (user) interaction method via which credentials are obtained
> (FORM, BASIC, etc)
> 2. The store where users/callers and optionally the group/role data resides
> Not only do I see very different terms being used for both of these
> concepts which is a problem by itself, but the lack of consistent
> terminology makes it unclear what people are really asking at times.
> Your thoughts?
> Kind regards,
> Arjan Tijms