Re: Using SPDY with Grizzly

From: Ryan Lubke <>
Date: Mon, 4 Jul 2016 11:51:30 -0700

Yes, I was able to. Can you send me your SSL handshake log?

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 4, 2016, at 03:21, Steve Curtis <> wrote:
> Hi Ryan,
> Thanks for the suggestions. I made the code changes (see Travis CI for build output).
> The code builds fine and I ran it up with Open JDK 8.0.92 but it still doesn't seem to be using the SPDY protocol, note I'm using FireFox HTTP/2 and SPDY indicator addon to test this.
> Have you been able to run this up and test this locally? Or is there an example SPDY enabled app I could use as a reference?
> At this point I'm tempted to rule this out as not working and look at putting a HTTP2 enabled proxy in front of my appserver instead.
> Steve
>> On 27 June 2016 at 22:34, Ryan Lubke <> wrote:
>> Hi Steve,
>> Sorry for the delay.
>> There's a minor change in JerseyGrizzlyFrameworkServer that should get your further. Line 48, change to:
>> server = GrizzlyHttpServerFactory.createHttpServer(uri, resourceConfig, true, createSSLContextConfigurator(), false);
>> Note, JDK 1.7 probably won't work with our NPN implementation due to changes for SNI. Grizzly NPN 1.2 was released for OpenJDK 1.8.0_25.
>> It most definitely won't work with the latest OpenJDK 1.8 release (1.8.0_92). I've updated the NPN/ALPN implementation to work with this version and will be releasing later today.
>> At any rate, let's see where the aforementioned code change gets you and go from there.
>> Thanks,
>> -rl
>>> Steve Curtis June 16, 2016 at 02:56
>>> Thanks Ryan - appreciate it.
>>> I've tried to make it as easy as possible to replicate, the github project is simple maven build and you can run the server up either via JerseyGrizzlyFrameworkServer (has a main method) or the JerseyGrizzlyFrameworkServerTest unit test.
>>> I'm convinced it is something very obvious I've missed :-)
>>> Cheers
>>> Ryan Lubke June 15, 2016 at 09:38
>>> Hi Steve,
>>> You're next on my list. Will follow up asap.
>>> Steve Curtis June 15, 2016 at 09:12
>>> Just a quick update to say I updated the github code to remove the HttpHandler and build responses via the Jersey annotated resource class, the code should be simpler to follow.
>>> Everything starts but I don't see SPDY protocol enabled (I'm using the Chrome "HTTP/2 and SPDY indicator" plugin to test this).
>>> Is there anything extra I need to do from the client or server sides? Maybe setting HTTP headers or something else to initiate the protocol?
>>> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>>> Steve
>>> Steve Curtis June 13, 2016 at 02:36
>>> Hi Ryan,
>>> I was running it with Open JDK 1.7.0_101
>>> Since it's a Windows machine I'm developing on I used the Azul provided OpenJDK build at
>>> Cheers
>>> Ryan Lubke June 12, 2016 at 18:59
>>> Hi Steve,
>>> Do you recall the exact version of the Open JDK you tested with? The NPN code is pretty sensitive to the version of the runtime. NOTE: It won't work at all with the Oracle JDK.