Re: [ANN] Grizzly 2.0-RC1 released

From: Paul Sandoz <>
Date: Fri, 3 Sep 2010 10:34:47 +0200

On Sep 2, 2010, at 7:07 PM, Oleksiy Stashok wrote:

>> On Sep 2, 2010, at 3:01 PM, Oleksiy Stashok wrote:
>>>> It's a big ask, but it would be really nice if your team could
>>>> spend some time going through the Grizzly sources and
>>>> deciding which APIs are public and which are not. There
>>>> seem to be a very large number of classes and methods which are
>>>> probably not intended for public consumption. It would be really
>>>> nice verify that they have the appropriate access rights (i.e.
>>>> public/package/protected/private) and update where necessary.
>>>> This would have two benefits: 1) user-friendliness since a
>>>> Grizzly with less classes and interfaces will be easier to learn
>>>> and navigate, and 2) compatibility since only public classes/
>>>> interfaces will need to remain stable.
>>>> Of course this is not always possible to do - sometimes an
>>>> implementation class must be made public because another class in
>>>> a different package needs to access it. Something that we have
>>>> done in our LDAP SDK is to split the source tree in two parts: a
>>>> com.sun.opends.sdk.* package hierarchy containing private
>>>> implementation classes and a public org.opends.sdk.* package
>>>> hierarchy containing the public interfaces and classes. Our
>>>> Javadoc and only includes the public org.opends.sdk.*
>>>> package hierarchy, effectively hiding the private package
>>>> hierarchy. This is how they've managed the problem for J2SE AFAIK.
>>> Very good point. We've discussed this during our yesterday's
>>> meeting, and we will make a refactoring nearest time.
>> FWIW Jersey has an impl package where it dumps all the
>> implementation stuff and that is filtered when generating the
>> JavaDoc. So we don't change the base package name and anything not
>> in "impl" is part of the public API.
>> Guice does something even better and has an impl package where
>> nearly all stuff in there is package private, which makes it
>> impossible for a developer to hack Guice and depend on
>> implementation artifacts.
> Right, the best is probably to have combination of two above.
> WBR,
> Alexey.
> PS: you're testing your Oracle email account? :))

No choice now! Sun one is gone :-(
