Re: [ANN] Grizzly 2.0-RC1 released

From: Matthew Swift <>
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 2010 17:23:20 +0200

  Thanks Alexey.

Let us know if you want us to test any changes you make. I wouldn't be
surprised if we're using APIs that we're not supposed to.

FWIW, you guys have prompted me to "mavenize" our LDAP SDK as well. :-)


On 02/09/10 15:01, Oleksiy Stashok wrote:
> Hi Matt,
> thank you very much for the feedback.
>> I have a couple of feedback items for you:
>> * Are you still planning to embed the gmbal stub library inside
>> Grizzly so that applications which use Grizzly don't need to go
>> and resolve the dependency themselves? An exception being of
>> course those applications which want to take advantage of the
>> JMX support in Grizzly.
> For non-maven projects you would probably need to provide the gmbal
> binaries manually. Though we're planning to create bundle modules,
> similar to what we have for 1.9.x, which will bundle all the required
> classes out of the box.
>> * It's a big ask, but it would be really nice if your team could
>> spend some time going through the Grizzly sources and deciding
>> which APIs are public and which are not. There seem to be a
>> very large number of classes and methods which are probably not
>> intended for public consumption. It would be really nice verify
>> that they have the appropriate access rights (i.e.
>> public/package/protected/private) and update where necessary.
>> This would have two benefits: 1) user-friendliness since a
>> Grizzly with less classes and interfaces will be easier to
>> learn and navigate, and 2) compatibility since only public
>> classes/interfaces will need to remain stable.
>> Of course this is not always possible to do - sometimes an
>> implementation class must be made public because another class
>> in a different package needs to access it. Something that we
>> have done in our LDAP SDK is to split the source tree in two
>> parts: a com.sun.opends.sdk.* package hierarchy containing
>> private implementation classes and a public org.opends.sdk.*
>> package hierarchy containing the public interfaces and classes.
>> Our Javadoc and only includes the public
>> org.opends.sdk.* package hierarchy, effectively hiding the
>> private package hierarchy. This is how they've managed the
>> problem for J2SE AFAIK.
> Very good point. We've discussed this during our yesterday's meeting,
> and we will make a refactoring nearest time.
> Thanks again!
> WBR,
> Alexey.
>> * Presumably this kind of problem will be easier to solve when/if
>> JDK7 modules arrive. :-)
>> Thanks again,
>> Matt
>> On 31/08/10 20:14, Oleksiy Stashok wrote:
>>> The Grizzly Team would like to announce the release of Grizzly 2.0
>>> RC1 (release candidate). This goal of this release was a stable
>>> core and solid API. While this is a significant step to getting
>>> Grizzly 2.0 finalized, we still have work to do in the area of
>>> documentation, performance, and resolving any feedback solicited by
>>> this release.
>>> The grizzly artifacts have been pushed to maven using the group ID
>>> *com.sun.grizzly* and versioned *2.0.0-RC1*.
>>> The following artifacts are available:
>>> * framework* (artifact ID: *grizzly-framework*) : The core
>>> Grizzly runtime.
>>> * http* (artifact ID: *grizzly-http*) : HTTP protocol
>>> implementation, which contains HTTP Filters and utility classes
>>> to work with
>>> HTTP artifacts.
>>> * webcontainer* (artifact ID: *grizzly-webcontainer*) :
>>> Lightweight Grizzly web server implementation, which provides high
>>> level
>>> abstractions based on the entities provided by the HTTP module.
>>> While the
>>> concept is similar to the Grizzly 1.x web server, it does expand
>>> this abstraction
>>> idea by providing an API for non-blocking streams to read/write
>>> application
>>> content.
>>> * websockets* (artifact ID: *grizzly-websockets*) : Web Sockets
>>> implementation based on *http* module.
>>> * framework-samples*, *http-samples*, *webcontainer-samples*,
>>> *websockets-samples*: modules, which demonstrate
>>> functionality of the Grizzly 2.0 modules
>>> described above.
>>> Here are links to the basic Grizzly 2.0 samples and blogs:
>>> - TCP echo sample [1]
>>> - UDP echo sample [2]
>>> - SSL sample [3]
>>> - Tunnel server [4]
>>> - HTTP sample [5]
>>> - JMX support [6]
>>> - Web container blocking I/O sample [7]
>>> - Web container NIO streams sample [8]
>>> - Web sockets blog [9]
>>> - Web sockets chat sample [10]
>>> and more blogs and documentation to come...
>>> We will really appreciate community feedback!
>>> Thanks.
>>> WBR,
>>> Alexey.
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> [3]
>>> [4]
>>> [5]
>>> [6]
>>> [7]
>>> [8]
>>> [9]
>>> [10]