Re: still some help for grizzlywebserver

From: Oleksiy Stashok <Oleksiy.Stashok_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 05 Jan 2009 18:40:47 +0100

Hi Rama,

thank you for filling out an issue.
I've fixed the problem with threads.
Also I've commited some fix for async. write [1]. Please try it out,
if this will fix your issue.



Author: oleksiys
Date: 2009-01-05 17:38:11+0000
New Revision: 2079


clear buffer only if it was written completely

On Jan 5, 2009, at 17:53 , rama wrote:

>>> 1) i use this constructor
>>> *****
>>> public GrizzlyWebServer(int port, int maxThreads, String
>>> webResourcesPath,
>>> boolean secure) {
>>> createSelectorThread(port, maxThreads, secure);
>>> this.webResourcesPath = webResourcesPath;
>>> }
>>> *****
>>> to create the webserver (cos i need ssl support)
>>> specify maxThreads > 5 doesn't add any worker :S
>>> Basically, i want to have more worker that will be able to serve
>>> the client, so if a client
>>> take a lot of time to get the response, other will not be blocked.
>>> Also, a nice things, that probably is there but i don't get, is to
>>> create
>>> worker thread based on the load or the real needing.
>>> How i can add this?
>> Seems this is bug, can you pls. file an issue for that on
>> ?
>>> 2) async write
>>> ****
>>> public void useAsynchronousWrite(boolean asyncWrite){
>>> st.setAsyncHttpWriteEnabled(asyncWrite);
>>> }
>>> ****
>> Async write currently doesn't work with ssl, just with plain HTTP.
>> Can you pls. try plain HTTP to be sure the problem is just with
> the problem was found on http not https.
> I will leave the problem description there as a reference
>>> if i turn this on, i got some wired response :(
>>> basically the client is a flash program, that do some loadmovie.
>>> Sometimes the flash get corrupted in the transfer and flash crash
>>> with pain and suffering.
>>> removing the asyncwrite fix the problem :) honestly i don't know
>>> how i can debug it :(
>>> but i have some info to give to you :D
>>> this is what i do to write the response, i have 2 different case
>>> a) the request is a POST, i parse the request and generate an XML
>>> as a response then, to write it
>>> ****
>>> httpResp.setHeader("Set-Cookie", "SID="+session.sid);
>>> httpResp.setCharacterEncoding("utf-8");
>>> httpResp.setStatus(200);
>>> httpResp.setContentType("text/xml");
>>> httpResp.getWriter().print(res.asXML());
>>> ****
>>> res.asXML return a string, so for me is ok, isn't it??
>>> I haven't tested too much this part with asyncwrite, because the
>>> flash crash before (while loading a swf)
>>> b) the request is a GET, so i send out a file
>>> i don't use staticresadapter, for some odd reason i need to get
>>> the file in 2 different place (i know that this is horrible, but
>>> at the moment is the only way)
>>> and, to write the file out, i do
>>> ****
>>> res.setStatus(200);
>>> int dot =
>>> resource.getName().lastIndexOf(".");
>>> if (dot > 0) {
>>> String ext =
>>> resource.getName().substring(dot + 1);
>>> String ct = MimeType.get(ext);
>>> if (ct != null) {
>>> res.setContentType(ct);
>>> }
>>> } else {
>>> res.setContentType(MimeType.get("html"));
>>> }
>>> long length = resource.length();
>>> res.setContentLengthLong(length);
>>> fis = new FileInputStream(resource);
>>> byte b[] = new byte[8192];
>>> while ( > 0) {
>>> res.getStream().write(b);
>>> }
>>> res.getStream().flush();
>>> ****
>>> keep in mind that res is a grizzlyresponse in this example.
>>> could this piece of code generate some problem with asyncwrite?