Re: HttpServiceImpl

From: Hubert Iwaniuk <>
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2009 17:44:51 +0100

Find answers inline.

On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 5:11 PM, gustav trede <>wrote:

> Its the HttpServiceImpl.uregisterAllLocal() method on that takes cares
> of that, and it has per definition all data it need internally.

This is only to unregister "local" registration. "local" in that context
means all aliases registered by bundle that is using this instance of HSI.
So far Activator.stop() has not been finished and this is place that I'm
talking about, when our bundle (HttpService provider) is getting stopped.

> Logging all detected input/parameter errors at warn or info level and at
> the same time throw exception seems abit chaty.
> The spec require us to throw exceptions, I think its enough to do so, they
> have detailed messages.
> its usually the catching context that is to take care of logging.

I agree that is chatty behavior, though for time been I'd prefer
implementation to be chatty, until we have all functionality required by
spec implemented and fairly tested. Than yes, we should clean this stuff.


> 2009/1/27 Hubert Iwaniuk <>
>> Yes it can be static, It just seamed to me more intuitive to have it
>> managed by ServiceFactory. Just in case that we would like to clean it if
>> Activator.stop() is called, we would ask HttpServiceImpl (that was created
>> in start()) to clean it up. It seemed to me like logical place to store it.
>> If you really don't like it fill free to change it.
>> About our special needs: World domination by Grizzling a lo loco :D
>> And this is all internal, nothing is exposed.
>> Cheers,
>> Hubert.
>> On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 2:33 PM, gustav trede <>wrote:
>>> yes that is how they are used. so what is the benefit of that complex
>>> design ?
>>> Jetty and others stores it static inside the httpserviceimpl, what are
>>> our special needs that makes us expose internal data ?
>>> 2009/1/27 Hubert Iwaniuk <>
>>> Those are created in HttpServiceFactory and passed (via constructor) to
>>>> each HttpService that bundles "get".
>>>> cool?
>>>> On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 2:22 PM, gustav trede <>wrote:
>>>>> hello
>>>>> how come aliasesRegistered and registeredServlets are not declared as
>>>>> static in HttpServiceImpl when they are used as global values ?
>>>>> --
>>>>> regards
>>>>> gustav trede