Its the HttpServiceImpl.uregisterAllLocal() method on that takes cares of
that, and it has per definition all data it need internally.
Logging all detected input/parameter errors at warn or info level and at
the same time throw exception seems abit chaty.
The spec require us to throw exceptions, I think its enough to do so, they
have detailed messages.
its usually the catching context that is to take care of logging.
2009/1/27 Hubert Iwaniuk <>
> Yes it can be static, It just seamed to me more intuitive to have it
> managed by ServiceFactory.Just in case that we would like to clean it if
> Activator.stop() is called, we would ask HttpServiceImpl (that was created
> in start()) to clean it up. It seemed to me like logical place to store it.
> If you really don't like it fill free to change it.
> About our special needs: World domination by Grizzling a lo loco :D
> And this is all internal, nothing is exposed.
> Cheers,
> Hubert.
> On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 2:33 PM, gustav trede <>wrote:
>> yes that is how they are used. so what is the benefit of that complex
>> design ?
>> Jetty and others stores it static inside the httpserviceimpl, what are our
>> special needs that makes us expose internal data ?
>> 2009/1/27 Hubert Iwaniuk <>
>> Those are created in HttpServiceFactory and passed (via constructor) to
>>> each HttpService that bundles "get".
>>> cool?
>>> On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 2:22 PM, gustav trede <>wrote:
>>>> hello
>>>> how come aliasesRegistered and registeredServlets are not declared as
>>>> static in HttpServiceImpl when they are used as global values ?
>>>> --
>>>> regards
>>>> gustav trede
gustav trede