both patches has been applied. Many Many Many thanks and continue
sending such great patches!
-- Jeanfrancois
gustav trede wrote:
> Hello,
> several methods in cometcontext was having bad performance.
> first iterating throw all handlers and then for each handler do a
> hashmap lookup...
> so i made it work with a simple iteration. no extra lookups and its much
> fewer lines of code.
> places where i fixed this is :
> getCometHandler()
> initialize()
> interrupt()
> /**
> * Retrive a {_at_link CometHandler} using its SelectionKey. The
> * {_at_link SelectionKey} is not exposed to the Comet API, hence this
> * method must be protected.
> */
> protected CometHandler getCometHandler(SelectionKey key){
> for (Entry<CometHandler,SelectionKey> entry:handlers.entrySet()){
> if (entry.getValue() == key )
> return entry.getKey();
> }
> return null;
> }
> /**
> * Initialize the newly added {_at_link CometHandler}.
> *
> * @param attachment An object shared amongst {_at_link CometHandler}.
> * @param type The type of notification.
> * @param key The SelectionKey representing the CometHandler.
> */
> protected void initialize(SelectionKey key) throws IOException {
> CometEvent event = new CometEvent<E>();
> event.setType(CometEvent.INITIALIZE);
> event.setCometContext(this);
> for (Entry<CometHandler,SelectionKey> entry:handlers.entrySet()){
> SelectionKey ak = entry.getValue();
> if(ak != null && ak.equals(key)){
> entry.getKey().onInitialize(event);
> break;
> }
> }
> }
> /**
> * Interrupt a {_at_link CometHandler} by invoking {_at_link
> CometHandler#onInterrupt}
> */
> protected void interrupt(CometTask task){
> CometEvent event = new CometEvent<E>();
> event.setType(CometEvent.INTERRUPT);
> event.attach(null);
> event.setCometContext(this);
> for (Entry<CometHandler,SelectionKey> entry:handlers.entrySet()){
> if (entry.getValue().equals(task.getSelectionKey())){
> try{
> entry.getKey().onInterrupt(event);
> handlers.remove(entry.getKey());
> } catch (IOException ex){
> logger.log(Level.WARNING,"Exception: ",ex);
> }
> break;
> }
> }
> activeTasks.remove(task);
> }
> in notify method, there is no special case for the non polling ,but pure
> server pushing usage case.
> there is no need to call resetsuspendidle if expiration is not used.
> I found no nice way to do this, so i did it this way in my local code:
> if (expirationDelay < Long.MAX_VALUE)
> resetSuspendIdleTimeout()
> heres the entire method:
> public void notify(final E attachment,final int eventType,final int
> cometHandlerID)
> throws IOException{
> CometHandler cometHandler = getCometHandler(cometHandlerID);
> if (cometHandler == null){
> throw new IllegalStateException(INVALID_COMET_HANDLER);
> }
> CometEvent event = new CometEvent<E>();
> event.setType(eventType);
> event.attach(attachment);
> event.setCometContext(CometContext.this);
> notificationHandler.setBlockingNotification(blockingNotification);
> notificationHandler.notify(event,cometHandler);
> if (event.getType() == CometEvent.TERMINATE
> || event.getType() == CometEvent.INTERRUPT) {
> resumeCometHandler(cometHandler);
> } else {
> if (expirationDelay < Long.MAX_VALUE)
> resetSuspendIdleTimeout();
> }
> }
> Also there is a need to make things available for subclass, by changing
> private to protected or get set methods.
> regards
> gustav trede