Hi John,
> as always I have just to much work at work but this weekend
> I did spend an 2 hours working with
> Grizzly 2.0.
> Just 2 comments or questions.
> 1)
> Maybe keep the MemoryManager Interface really slim?
> maybe witout the util wrap methods in there. For example when
> integrating Ken's Slab Allocation Pool
> I am only interrested in allocate( int size ) and maybe int
> maxAllocationSize();
> I don't want to have to be forced to implement wrap(..)
> 2) Grizzly 2.0 has 3 Abstractions :
> org.glassfish.grizzly.Transformer,
> org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.CodecFilter,
> org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.Filter
> Please correct me if I am wrong,
> so there are two API's which handle read /writes.
> A Filter API which is like Grizzly ProtocolChainFilter API
> (selectorThread,XXXexecute Methods,WorkerThreads) and a (let me
> call it) TransFormer API (Connection.read/write)
Transformer API is not directly related to the Connection API. It's
more common.
> My feeling is that CodecFilter should not extend Filter so
> that there would be no need to implement Filter. This would also
> make it clearer that
> the processing is very different.
> Or have I missed something? Maybe CodecFilter needs some specific
> FilterChain functionallity
> (other then List) ?
Filter could have both encoding/decoding and processing logic inside.
CodecFilter is abstraction, which helps to separate processing and
encoding/decoding logic, and make implementation more clear.
IMHO, we can improve current implementation by introducing the Codec
Transformer getEncoder();
Transformer getDecoder();
and make CodecFilter extends Fitler, Codec;
what do you think?
Thank you for feedback.
> Many Greetings
> John
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