Grizzly 2.0 Feedback

From: John ROM <>
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2008 15:18:54 +0200

Hi Alexey,
as always I have just to much work at work but this weekend
I did spend an 2 hours working with
Grizzly 2.0.

Just 2 comments or questions.

Maybe keep the MemoryManager Interface really slim?
maybe witout the util wrap methods in there. For example when integrating Ken's Slab Allocation Pool
I am only interrested in allocate( int size ) and maybe int maxAllocationSize();
I don't want to have to be forced to implement wrap(..)

2) Grizzly 2.0 has 3 Abstractions :


Please correct me if I am wrong,
so there are two API's which handle read /writes.
A Filter API which is like Grizzly ProtocolChainFilter API (selectorThread,XXXexecute Methods,WorkerThreads) and a (let me call it) TransFormer API (

My feeling is that CodecFilter should not extend Filter so
that there would be no need to implement Filter. This would also make it clearer that
the processing is very different.
Or have I missed something? Maybe CodecFilter needs some specific FilterChain functionallity
(other then List) ?

Many Greetings

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