Project Grizzly Meeting Minutes, January 9, 2008

From: charlie hunt <>
Date: Wed, 09 Jan 2008 12:53:20 -0600

Meeting Minutes:
> 1.) Change to DefaultProtocolChain, catching all Exceptions, any
> concerns? (Alexey)
All in agreement this is a good idea.
> 2.) GlassFish CORBA / Grizzly integration status (Harsha)
Harsha is currently working on read / write exception handling. A short
discussion about how Grizzly (transport) propagates exception and error
conditions to the protocol level should some protocols, such as GIOP,
need to take specific action on specific exception or error conditions.

Harsha will work with Alexey as he identifies areas which may be an
issue. Sailfin has similar requirements and may be helpful in some of
these areas too.

> 3.) Community interest in example custom protocol with Grizzly (Charlie)

There has been community interest implementing a custom protocol to run
on top of Grizzly (framework). GlassFish CORBA is a good example and
Harsha will share some of his observations and experiences as needed by
the community.

> 4.) Next release proposal / vote (Jeanfrancois)
Next release will be a documentation release. Jeanfrancios has posted
to the mailing list(s) areas where documentation is needed. We have
some Grizzly t-shirts we can make available to contributors who would
like to contribute documentation in those areas.

We will deal with bug fixes and specific enhancement requests on a case
by case basis as they arise. Possibility of enhancement requests from
GlassFish CORBA / Grizzly integration.

> 5.) Left over AI's:
> * Wiki page for proposed features (Jeanfrancois)
Creation request has been made at Waiting for a response
> * Echo server performance (Charlie)
Going to remove this AI since it is rather old and will likely not get
done any time soon.

> * Addl performance test, add Grizzly transport to encode benchmark
> (Charlie)
No update.

charlie ...