James Lorenzen wrote:
> Actually I am using 1.5 in the RSS BC. I don't know what the HTTP BC is
> using. We aren't in any here with this, just wanting to get prepared and
> do the leg work now.
> I am sure we can wait till it's done in 1.5.
OK Perfect. Alexey is working on porting the code. As soon as we have
it, I will add a generic ProtocolHandler that can be used/extended to
your needs.
-- Jeanfrancois
> Thanks for your help.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_Sun.COM]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 9:08 AM
> To: dev_at_grizzly.dev.java.net
> Cc: James Lorenzen
> Subject: Re: RSS BC port unification
> Hi Andreas,
> Andreas Egloff wrote:
>> Hello Jeanfrancois, I think in this case we would like to be able to
>> port unification between tow components that use an embedded grizzly
>> instance that is separate from the grizzly instance the glassfish
>> appserver itself is using.
>> Is there a way for those two to do port unification? In this case I
> also
>> don't think we necessarily want to distinguish according to protocol,
>> more by the URL context information - is that supported in grizzly?
> Yes it is possible. The only problem right now is port unification only
> works with Grizzly 1.0, which should be fine for your team, right? We
> are working to port the implementation to 1.5 (soon available).
> Thanks
> -- jeanfrancois
>> Andi
>> James Lorenzen wrote:
>>> My team has recently created/open sourced an RSS Binding Component to
>>> be used within OpenESB: https://rss-bc.dev.java.net/.
>>> One of the features supported is the ability for components to
> publish
>>> entries locally to be viewed by RSS Readers. RSS Readers use HTTP GET
>>> to retrieve a syndication feed. We originally hoped that we could
>>> reuse the HTTP BC to receive the GET and forward to the RSS BC;
>>> however this presented a lot of problems so we decided to embed a
>>> small server in the RSS BC to handle the HTTP GETs.
>>> Unfortunately what this means is that we now consume yet another
> port.
>>> For example the HTTP BC typically uses by default port 18181 and now
>>> the RSS BC will be using say port 18282. Ultimately we would like to
>>> use the same port.
>>> I have read Jean-Francois article on port unification
> <http://weblogs.java.net/blog/jfarcand/archive/2006/11/one_port_to_rul.h
> tml>
>>> but it's unclear to me how the RSS and HTTP BC could use the same
>>> port. Programmatically what do I need to do to make this happen?
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