RSS BC port unification

From: James Lorenzen <>
Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2007 10:06:29 -0500

My team has recently created/open sourced an RSS Binding Component to be
used within OpenESB:

One of the features supported is the ability for components to publish
entries locally to be viewed by RSS Readers. RSS Readers use HTTP GET to
retrieve a syndication feed. We originally hoped that we could reuse the
HTTP BC to receive the GET and forward to the RSS BC; however this
presented a lot of problems so we decided to embed a small server in the
RSS BC to handle the HTTP GETs.

Unfortunately what this means is that we now consume yet another port.
For example the HTTP BC typically uses by default port 18181 and now the
RSS BC will be using say port 18282. Ultimately we would like to use the
same port.


I have read Jean-Francois article on port unification
tml> but it's unclear to me how the RSS and HTTP BC could use the same
port. Programmatically what do I need to do to make this happen?