RE: Need your help

From: Martin Gainty <>
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2013 05:41:45 -0500

+1 Josef

netstat -ab | grep 8080 will detect the running AppServer

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Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2013 12:25:09 +0200
Subject: Re: Need your help

+1 Josef

Also checking the Glassfish logs in Netbeans is a great idea.
Right click on in Services->Servers->Glassfish and select view logs.

I am guessing something else is listening on port 8080, it's the most common problem.


On 27 February 2013 12:20, Stadelmann Josef <> wrote:

Why are you at NetBeans 6.8 when NetBeans 7.3 is released? any reasons for that?
If no reasons - I suggest to upgrade to NetBeans 7.2.1, (not 7.3 (it is to fresh)) then try with Glassfish and if it does not work take Tomcat for a test,
BTW what JAVA Version are you using for NetBeans, for Glassfish, for your web applicfation?
Von: Aniket Joshi []

Gesendet: Mittwoch, 27. Februar 2013 06:37
Betreff: Need your help
 Hello,I am using glassfish in my netbeans 6.8. I installed netbeans properly with glassfish server but while running a web application
i encounter a problem says "glassfish domain v3 start failed". How can I come out of it ???
please help me....
 thank you!!!