Web Application + JAAS + Glassfish 3.1.2 ?!?!

From: <>
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2013 13:00:28 -0600 (CST)

Hi all, I am working in a Web Project using the follow technologies.. CDI +
EJB3.1 + JPA2.0 + GLASSFISH 3.1.2. This project is already working fine,
everyone was happy woking on that :P, but I got some gifts from my boss as
follow below. What I need ? Create a custom login to authenticate differences
informations besides username and password, and I would like to do this as
generic as possible.. I am reading many tutorials on the web but, I am not
sure about creating JAAS Custom Login for theses technologies versions. Now,
I have a Custom Login working fine in a Java Application not in a Web
Application.. as I followed a lot of tutorials... but I got surprised
yesterday.. I found some tutorials talking about that Custom Login for JAAS
has to extend AppservPasswordLoginModule from not implements
LoginModule from directly. I found many
tutorials saying to implements LoginModule. I made my Login Module
implementing LoginModule and worked fine for a Java application. I know we
have many ways to do that, using servlets filters, using springSecurity, but
my current project already use JAAS and I don't want to change this
technology. but what I need is a LoginModule really custom using JAAS, and I
know that is possible, but I don't still know how to do this correctly. so my
questions is: What classes use to create a Custom Login module for as Web
Applications using these technologies above ? Glauter Lemos Brazilian Java

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