Re: Glassfish 3.1.2 and loadbalancer iPlanet webserver

From: Shreedhar Ganapathy <>
Date: Thu, 08 Nov 2012 11:00:44 -0800

Hi Thomas
Thanks for reaching out.
I have put in some responses below. Hope these are helpful.

On 11/8/12 2:47 AM, Thomas CATTY wrote:
> Glassfish 3.1.2 and loadbalancer iPlanet webserver Hi Shreedhar,
> Thanks for your brilliant topics about Glassfish, cluster and other
> things !
> I've been using Webserver iPlanet 7 as a loadbalancing with Glassfish
> 3.1.2. It works fine. thanks again for all the clear docs or videos I
> found on the topic.
> I've 3 questions :
> 1. It is said to be used as a loadbalancer but what I notice is that
> all the shown examples deal with sessions failover, ie when e instance
> in a cluster fails, another one is automatically the relay. Great.
> But what about the real load balance ? what happens when there is a
> real load, is it taken into account without any more configurations ?

The default algorithm used by the LB Plugin is round robin. One can
write one's own algorithm by modifying the loadbalancer.h file.

> 2. In production, I'll have 2 servers with 128Go RAM exach, 2To
> storage...They will be virtualized.
> For example, on the first, I'll have a VM with iPlanet server 7
> acting as a loadbalancer, on a second VM, my application server
> Glassfish, on a third my sql Cluster...
> And what I would like to do is : on the second server where there
> will also be a glassfish (for a cluster with the first one), some sql
> nodes...I would like a second iPlanet server LB doing the same
> like the first one but as a slave if the first one fails
> ? is is possible to do that with a sort of "hearbeat" link between
> them ? it would be great !
I believe it is possible to do so - but am not sure of the steps
involved. I have cc'd our GlassFish users list so someone from LB team
can comment. Moreover, this discussion will be useful for other
community members .

> 3. when everything is OK in my Glassfish and iPlanet webserver
> configuration, i even cope with this little problem : when I deploy or
> redeploy a high available application in my cluster linked to the
> loadbalancer, I've noticed (by chance! 'cause it didn't work) that I
> had to "manually" apply the changes in the loadbalancer.xml file on
> iPlanet : "manually" means that the "apply-http-lb-changes" seems to
> work from my asadmin console but on the iPlanet I have a message
> telling me that the configuration has changed and if I want to apply
> or not... without that manual confirmation it wouldn't work.
> Hope it was clear ;-) So how can I avoid that ? any parameter to turn on ?
> (I've yet a well configured SSL connection between them )

Could you look into the HA Admin Guide - it should have all the details
on configuring the GF Domain Server and IPlanet Web Server to auto apply
LB config changes.


> Thanks in advance for all !
> --
> Thomas CATTY
> "/There are three ways to get something done; do it yourself, hire
> someone,
> or forbid your kids to do it./" (/Mona Crane)
> /