Is Oracle actively sabotaging glassfish?

From: <>
Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2012 02:02:07 -0600 (CST)

Hi, I know the header is a bit of polemic, but I don't know how else to call
it. We are a small company and using currently the glassfish open source
edition. So I naively thought I wanted to find out how much it would cost to
get the supported version. All I wanted was a pricing information/ quote as a
potential costumer and a license declaration - but got none so far. I mailed
them 2 times and even called up their so called salessupport - there was a
friendly woman telling me they doenst know and I should mail it to her and
this was now 4 days ago.... All we want to know was: We are using glassfish
on an VMWare system, but as this is used as a complete cloud from a third
party hosting company we cant give details about the hardware. We use 3 vCPUs
and each one is at 1.2 GHz (the number ov vCPU is written in contract) but
cant give details about their whole VMWare cluster as the reason why we
choosed that way of deploying is that we dont want to mess around with
hardware anymore. Now, how do you license a Glassfish Server to that
environment? Can anyone hint me to someone at oracle who can answer that
simple question - or even better, give me details about it? Best, KB

[Message sent by forum member 'KBachl']
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