Re: Too many open files issue

From: Steven Siebert <>
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2012 10:11:41 -0400

We also had this problem, RHEL 6 x64.

We fixed it by telling linux to increase the maximum number of files
allowed to be open by 1) the system and 2) the glassfish user. Our server
has been cranking away for 2 days now without that nasty exception and
resulting 404 to our users, which was previously being thrown at a rate of
several per minute.

We found these links to be useful:

Hope this helps,


On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 9:12 AM, <> wrote:

> As Marina suggested can you please file a bug in
>**GLASSFISH<>against component JTS? Also, can you
> please provide us with domain.xml, we would like to reproduce it in local
> environment.
> --
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