Re: EJB remote deployed on GF 3.1 behind a NAT unaccessible

From: <>
Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2012 03:33:49 -0500 (CDT)

Hi andrea . If i have undetstand into a classpath i havr to add the
gf-client.jar and the module/*.jars. But into a netbens progect i put the
gf-client.jar into the lib of progect. So the directory module it is at same
level of lib dir into glassfish. So i put the directory module into web-inf
at the same level of dir lib of my web project for tomcat ? You can it work?
Another solution it is put into §Catalina_home/conf/ the
propertie common.loade
=/home/mauro/glassfish3.1.2.2/glassfish/lib/gf-client.jar So the module dir
with all jars it is referencied from manifest file inside the gf-client.jar
So the gf-client.jars and module/*.jar will be disponiblle for all web
application deployed into tomcat. Do you think that it will work? Mauro

[Message sent by forum member 'mauro2011']
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