Re: EJB remote deployed on GF 3.1 behind a NAT unaccessible

From: <>
Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2012 13:45:31 -0500 (CDT)

Hi Mauro, I can't give you a definitive answer in case you are looking for
the *minimal* set of JARs that you need in the client-side classpath, because
this hugely depends on your particular scenario. You can have a look at what
is being packaged into the appclient zipfile by the package-appclient"
$GF_HOME/glassfish/lib/package-appclient.xml and/or have a look at the
MANIFEST.MF "Class-Path" entries in $GF_HOME/glassfish/lib/gf-client.jar in
order to determine the maximum superset of JARs and other files needed. The
respective docs section is here: and
states: "Copy the as-install/lib/gf-client.jar file to the client machine and
include it in the classpath on the client side. The gf-client.jar file
references GlassFish Server JAR files in its MANIFEST.MF file. If there is no
GlassFish Server installation on the client machine, you must also copy the
as-install/modules directory to the client machine and maintain its directory
structure relative to the as-install/lib/gf-client.jar file. Or you can use
the package-appclient script (...)" HTH & best regards, Andreas

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