Re: EJB remote deployed on GF 3.1 behind a NAT unaccessible

From: <>
Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2012 17:44:48 -0500 (CDT)

tank you very much for your support .!!!!!!!!! I will go tried . I have 3
possible scenario: 1) Write a EnterpriseApplicationClient deployed on
glassfsih and form a browser i will download with javawebstart. It use the
ACC . 2) i call a EJb from a Tomcat web application. The EJB is deployed into
a Remote GLassfih 3) i write a application standlone client taht call a
Remote ejb on a remote glassfsih.
........................................................................ i
will call on all case the ejb with the InitialCOntext from the properties .
to use an explicit lookup and the specific InitialContext created from the
specific Properties as shown above in order to do the lookup if (and only if)
you are outside the firewall. In ultimate what jars i have to put into the
lib of webapplication on tomcat for call the ejb? mauro

[Message sent by forum member 'mauro2011']
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