Re: Glassfish jms usage with richfaces 4.2 a4j push

From: <>
Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 08:25:22 -0500 (CDT)

[quote=liang.x.zhao]Hi Timo, What do you mean "to be notified to only one
specific user"? If anyone of A, B, C can be a valid receiver, then you can
use jms Queue instead of Topic as the solution. Thus one of A, B, C will
receive the message sent to the queue (The jms server will decide who will
receive the message from queue) once the publisher sends messages to the
queue. If the receiver can not be random and should be specific to the
message, then you can still use Topic, but add a property to the messages
when publisher creates them. The subscribers (A, B, C) may filter the topic
messages based on filtering the property to make sure there is only one
specific subscriber for one topic message. Let me know if you have further
questions. --- David[/quote] I think he had in mind, that only one from A, B,
C is valid receiver for specific message. Is it possible to use JMS
realization in this case? Real life example: A, B, C, D are list of users who
is participating in private chat with each other. A sends private message to
B. Is it possible by JMS push approach, to somehow mark the message that it
is only accessible to A and B (users C and D must not see the message). Is it
possible to use subtopics or something else?

[Message sent by forum member 'p.sasnauskas']
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