Re: DAS port question

From: Tom Mueller <>
Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2012 13:13:59 -0500

On 4/5/2012 12:45 PM, Laird Nelson wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 11:57 AM, Tom Mueller <
> <>> wrote:
> The -asadmin-args argument when the domain is started is used if
> the domain needs to be restarted, i.e., these are the arguments
> that were passed in to asadmin when the domain was originally
> started (including the default values for all of the arguments).
> When the jx domain was started, it was probably started with:
> asadmin start-domain jx
> Well, I would have expected a port conflict then, as the other
> GlassFish is most definitely running with its admin port on 4848.
The jx domain's port is 7048, so it get's started on port 7048 - no

Note that the command above is exactly the same as:

asadmin --port 4848 start-domain jx

The "--port" option to start-domain is ignored, because start-domain is
a local command. It does not connect to a remote server (because it's
job is to start the server). Nonetheless, you can pass a --port option
to asadmin because that is an asadmin option (not a subcommand option) -
every command can take a port whether it uses it or not.
> Is it possible for two GlassFish DAS instances to start with the same
> admin port? I don't see how that would be possible.
No that is not possible.

> (This particular server with its two GlassFish DAS servers is a
> mess--I grant that--but I'm trying to figure out how both processes
> can be humming along--one on 4848 and another on 7048--but with ps
> output that indicate that both were started with 4848.)
> Best,
> Laird
> --