Re: DAS port question

From: Laird Nelson <>
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2012 13:45:14 -0400

On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 11:57 AM, Tom Mueller <> wrote:

> The -asadmin-args argument when the domain is started is used if the
> domain needs to be restarted, i.e., these are the arguments that were
> passed in to asadmin when the domain was originally started (including the
> default values for all of the arguments).
> When the jx domain was started, it was probably started with:
> asadmin start-domain jx

Well, I would have expected a port conflict then, as the other GlassFish is
most definitely running with its admin port on 4848. Is it possible for
two GlassFish DAS instances to start with the same admin port? I don't see
how that would be possible.

(This particular server with its two GlassFish DAS servers is a mess--I
grant that--but I'm trying to figure out how both processes can be humming
along--one on 4848 and another on 7048--but with ps output that indicate
that both were started with 4848.)

