Re: create method in LocalMachine interface

From: Yamini K B <>
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2012 10:55:41 +0530

> I searched through some classes and I found RegisterStartup and
> RegisterVirtualMachine classes interesting. They seem to be setting
> network
> interface for newly created and started virtual machines and they turn
> off
> latches. I am still not certain what their true purpose is, but I have a
> theory on that. Those classes are hk2 services and they implement
> AdminCommand interface... so their execute method can be called from
> command
> line. Do they exist in order to let freshly turned on virtual machine to
> notify glassfish that they are up? Is it possible to tell virtual
> machine to
> execute some startup script, that would call let's say asadmin
> register-startup on remote machine where DAS is, when it (the virtual
> machine) is being turned on?
The register commands are invoked by the VMs to register themselves
(meaning identify themselves by their IP and initiate instance startup)
with DAS. The VM does invoke these commands through a startup script
(for ex. see libvirt-files/domains/domain1/docroot/ubuntu/glassfish)
that is installed under /etc/init.d in the GlassFish template image.

Btw, what exactly are you trying to do?
