I am no Java-Expert, but still I need to cope with a problem on a
Glassfish-Server running Glassfishv2 or - as far as I understood so far -
ApplicationServer 9.1.
We are using the Glassfish-Server to provide database access via a webservice
interface, meaning that another server can send datapackets containing
webservice requests and the glassfish server then examines the mysql database
that it is connected to and sends the data received to the other server as an
answer to its request. So far, so good.
The problem that I see is, that after some time, the glassfish-server's
webservice is not available anymore. The glassfish-server receives
webservice-requests quite often(~130 times per second) and after some
minutes(less than 5 minutes in general), the webservice is not available
anymore. Anyway, I can still do a "/opt/glassfish/bin/asadmin
ping-connection-pool", which returns that the ping was done successfully.
I am only able to reproduce this error with one specific
webservice-questioning program. If I use another one, that also asks for the
webservices available, I can't make it crash - even after one full weekend of
My question is rather where to search for an error than that I'd be waiting
for a solution of my problem. I simply don't know, where to look and what to
check. I'd also like to know, if there are any "common" points, that should
be adjusted if a glassfish server denies to answer to webservice-requests...
I'd be really happy to receive any single hint.
Best regards from Germany,
[Message sent by forum member 'supererwin']
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