Re: how to eliminate SEVERE errors (No class name for worker...) when starting up domain?

From: Amy Roh <>
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2012 14:04:24 -0800

On 2/16/12 1:40 PM, Glenn Holmer wrote:
> On Thu, 2012-02-16 at 13:11 -0800, Amy Roh wrote:
>> FYI, since the question with mod_jk setup comes up frequently on the
>> alias, I've posted a new blog with full instruction -
> Thanks. We do it this way in 3.1.1, is it correct? and will it work with
> 3.1.2 as well?

Yes, the instructions are the same for 3.1.1 and 3.1.2.

> asadmin create-http-listener --listenerport 8009 --listeneraddress --defaultvs server jk-listener
> asadmin set

You can combine the above two commands by just doing -

asadmin create-network-listener --protocol http-listener-1
--listenerport 8009 --jkenabled true jk-connector

> Then we create a new thread pool called jk-thread-pool with minimum size
> of 5 and maximum size of 150 (Apache MaxClients), and assign it to
> jk-listener.

Right. You could just create a new thread pool first and use it to
create a new jk-connector.

asadmin create-threadpool --minthreadpoolsize 5 --maxthreadppplsize 150
asadmin create-network-listener --protocol http-listener-1
--listenerport 8009 --jkenabled true --threadpool jk-thread-pool

I'll add this to FAQ.
