Re: Replacing Glassfish EJB implementation with Hibernate or OpenEJB

From: Laird Nelson <>
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2012 20:08:36 -0500

On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 4:07 PM, <> wrote:

> The Glassfish JPA and EJB implementations have some serious problems:
> [1]2

Unless I'm missing something this one is marked as fixed?**GLASSFISH-18365<>[2]
> The updatetool allows replacing the EclipseLink JPA implementation with
> Hibernate JPA, but that leads to the second problem above which looks like
> it
> is in the Glassfish EJB container.

I can't speak to the above bug, but another thing is that the Hibernate
updatecenter package is version 3.5.0-Final, which has all sorts of
problems and is not fully JPA 2.0-compliant.

I've been engaged in a (um, very slow :-)) process to try to get my
hibernate-ips project ( pulled in
to Glassfish in a more official capacity, so that as Hibernate "evolves"
(read: changes wildly with little thought to backwards compatibility or
dependencies), it can be upgraded via the updatecenter.

(Hi, Joe! Hi, Alexis!)

