Replacing Glassfish EJB implementation with Hibernate or OpenEJB

From: <>
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2012 15:07:26 -0600 (CST)

 The Glassfish JPA and EJB implementations have some serious problems: [1]2 [2]

The updatetool allows replacing the EclipseLink JPA implementation with
Hibernate JPA, but that leads to the second problem above which looks like it
is in the Glassfish EJB container.

Is there a way to replace the entire EJB and JPA implementation in Glassfish
with either Hibernate or OpenEJB and OpenJPA?  The Hibernate docs don't say
anything about how to install Hibernate in an application server.  Java EE 6
application servers seem to come bundled with their own implementations.
 Other than the updatetool I haven't found any documentation about how to
replace other components within Glassfish.

I could build a .war file with all Hibernate dependencies included to get a
Hibernate implementation, but i'm worried about class loaders mixing
components from Hibernate and Glassfish with this approach.

I want to stick with Glassfish because our web services are written and
tested on the Metro Stack on Glassfish.  If I could just add-on different
EJB and JPA implementations I would prefer that to switching to another



[Message sent by forum member 'dwschulze']
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