I am having trouble with a new installation of Glassfish 3.1.1. The app
server seems to work fine but the admin console does not seem to install
I installed with the glassfish-3.1.1-unix.sh installer, typical installation,
empty admin password, all default options. I am not behind a proxy. Running
Ubuntu 11.10.
When browsing
http://localhost:4848, I see the Glassfish Server
Administration Console splash page, briefly a message about the admin console
being loaded and then a status: The Admin Console is starting. Please wait.
And I wait.. and wait.. but nothing happens.
I can not see any hints in the server.log, attached for reference.
If I refresh the browser I get redirected to
http://localhost:4848/common/index.jsf with the following error in the log:
not found|#]
Can anyone shed a light on this for me?
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