Afternoon All,
I have a message driven bean which on failure, I want to roll back the
transaction and set a desired number of retry attempts and retry interval.
My message queue received a high number of messages and on faulure there will
be a large backlog of messages as if one fails all will. For this reason I
want to specify a rety interval and maximum number of re-tries, however my
activation config. seems to be ignored. I have tried a number of
parameters including the ones mentioned in the Glassfish 3.1 Administration
Guide ( [1]) but
all seem to be ignored. When ever the MessageDrivenContext.rollback()
method is called, the message goes straight back on the queue immediately!
If anyone could explain why these parameters are be ignored then it would be
much appreciated!
Chris Kyte.
Sample Activation Spec. Config.
activationConfig = {
@ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "destinationType", propertyValue =
@ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName =
"endpointExceptionRedeliveryAttempts", propertyValue = "6"),
@ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName =
"endpointExceptionRedeliveryInterval", propertyValue = "5000")
mappedName = "jms/StockControllerQ"
[Message sent by forum member 'kytie']
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