Re: ZipError during deployment

From: <>
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2011 08:39:11 -0600 (CST)

We've seen zip errors during war/ear deploy - not sure it was exactly the
same trace you show since I recally seeing OutOfMemory but we were also on
GF 2.1 when we saw.

So for whatever it's worth our completely unscientific observartion was this:

A problem with java.util.Zip that affects pretty much all of the app
servers.. on windows, the Windoze process space that the JVM runs in is not
that large. And the larger your Java heap the less extra space the win
process has for non-JVM internal stuff... which apparently includes storing
the temp files during an unzip. So if your zip file is fairly, the "windows
overhead" space runs out and the JVM will crap out unzipping your war to
apps dir (we'd often see part of the WEB-INF/lib folder but no web.xml or
anything else get unzipped)

The somewhat counterintuitve solution is to REDUCE your max heap... thereby
freeing up more of the enclosing windows process space for zip to use.

Once the app is deployed, reset your heap.

It's a very strange issue in that it doesn't seem to be consistent... I'm
sure my description above of what's actually going on under the hood may not
be completely accurate but the workaround definitely worked for us... reduce
max heap, redeploy app.

[Message sent by forum member 'seanespn']
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