Glassfish 2 EAR component deploy order

From: <>
Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2011 18:30:08 -0600 (CST)

 We have an EAR for Glassfish v2. We currently rely on a Web Context
Listener to do some code at application deploy/startup.

The problem is that there are several WARs in the EAR, and one of the WARs is
firing up before the other WAR gets a chance to do it initial work.

So, I am wondering how the deploy order is managed in an EAR.

Is it alpabetical based on the WAR name? Location of the WAR in the EAR
artifact? Based on the application.xml/sun-application.xml? Is it
deterministic at all?

I know there is no portable mechanism for this in JEE5, I'm not particularly
interested in portable. I'm interested specifically in GFv2.1.1 behavior. Is
GFv3 behavior any different? Is there anything I can do to force the
deployment order?


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