Hello -
3.1 removed ruby support.
We use warble to war up our rails app and use within Glassfish (3.1.1). Works great.
Robert Weeks
Lead Developer - Framework and UI
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From: admin_at_java.net [admin_at_java.net] On Behalf Of forums_at_java.net [forums_at_java.net]
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 2:48 PM
To: users_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
Subject: No JRuby support in Glassfish 3.1.1?
Has JRuby support been removed in the latest version of glassfish (3.1.1)?
Previous version provided a ruby container, but the 3.1.1 version does not.
I've searched high and low on the internet have not found any information
that addresses this issue. All of the instructions for deploying a rails
application on glassfish assume the presence of a ruby container. No one
seems to mention how to configure a ruby container if none exists. I should
mention that I tried to install the scripting modules and jruby modules to no
avail. Is glassfish no longer able to host ruby on rails applications?