Re: MBeans at undeployment time

From: Gustavo Henrique Orair <>
Date: Sun, 4 Dec 2011 21:06:46 -0200

Hi jrox,
Your issue is really similar to FileCleanerTracking issue from Apache
If you are interested, see how them propose to solve the issue:
                               Gustavo Henrique Orair
 Mestre em Ciência da Computação - MSc in Computer Science
                                    Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
               Celular/Cell phone:  55-31-85157887

2011/12/3 Andreas Loew <>:
> Hi jrox,
> Am 03.12.2011 20:38, schrieb
>  I have an MBean which is part of a war file. The application in that war
> file creates threads at startup. I now want to make sure that all threads
> get
> closed again when the application gets stopped/undeployed/redeployed. I am
> looking for the best way to do this and I found a few ideas but I am not
> sure
> if they work and which one would be best practice.
> 1. The MBean could be registered as a listener to JMX notifications, which
> can easily be done with Spring. But does the glassfish container send out
> notifications when undeploying an application (e.g. does glassfish
> unregister
> mbeans and therefore send out an MBeanServerNotification?). Who sends out
> that message, it it my own mbean? Can my mbean listen to an unregistering
> event of itself? .... lots of questions maybe someone can help me out here.
> 2. LifeCycle Module: can my LifeCycle module be in the same application war
> to which I want to listen to and intercept the undeployment command? How
> would I do that?
> 3. Any other easy options?
> as you are saying that you are using a WAR file, you have a much easier
> option than a LifeCycle module (which would be recommended the way to go in
> case of an EAR).
> You can define a startup servlet (via load-on-startup in web.xml) and use
> its methods init() to register and destroy() to deregister your
> application-related MBeans.
> Also, the important advantage here is that the current Thread context
> classloader in already is your WAR's web app classloader, which makes things
> much easier as you don't need to fiddle with switching the classloader back
> and forth to the appropriate classloader (as you would have to if you were
> to do the same from a Lifecycle module)...
> HTH & best regards,
> Andreas
> --
> Andreas Loew | Senior Java Architect
> Oracle Advanced Customer Services
> ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG