On 01-Nov-2011, at 6:41 PM, Trond Strømme wrote:
> HI,
> IHAC that is asking how a password substituted by an alias (to avoid having the password in cleartext in domain.xml) is encrypted.
> Details such as the algorithm and what serves as the key would be nice, or if anyone can point me to some documentation or source code for this.
> They ask because their security group want to know how the passwords are encrypted and with which algorithm.
> --
It makes use of a JCEKS store as the secretkey store.
"jceks" is an alternate proprietary keystore format to "jks" that uses much stronger encryption in the form of Password-Based Encryption with Triple-DES.
> Trond Strømme
> trond.stromme_at_oracle.com
> Oracle EMEA Advanced Customer Services
> +47 975 09 388
> http://blogs.oracle.com/tronds
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