Re: glassfish 3.1.1: password alias for admin user in password file not working?

From: Tom Mueller <>
Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2011 08:36:06 -0600

What is it that you are trying to accomplish by setting this alias? Do
you want to be able to run asadmin commands without having to enter the
password everytime?

This can be done in one of two ways:

1. Set the value of the password in the --passwordfile input file for
AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD to the plain text admin password. (This is what you
already tried).

2. Run the "asadmin login" command which stores an obfuscated form of
the admin password in the $HOME/.asadminpass file.

The reason why what you tried is not working is because of a chicken/egg
problem. Password aliases are evaluated on the server, but in order to
run anything on the server, your request must be authenticated with the
admin password. So the admin password is needed before an alias can be
