gzip compression in 3.1.1

From: Laird Nelson <>
Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2011 09:35:53 -0500

Hello; my developers are reporting that IE 9 talking to Glassfish 3.1.1 FCS
results in gzip compression not working. Apparently Firefox and Chrome
work fine.

I will be working today to try to reproduce this and boil it down, but in
the meantime if this is a known issue I would appreciate a heads up.

This forum post ( seems to indicate that
there was a Grizzly problem roughly in this area, but I'm not clear on
whether the Grizzly fix is present in 3.1.1 or not. Again, I'll be looking
into this today, but if someone knows quickly you would save me a lot of
time and energy not directly related to my company's core business. :-)

Thank you,
