Glassfish license. GPL or/and CDDL

From: Andrey Khaisin <>
Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2011 18:21:37 +0200

Hello community


My project have dependencies from Glassfish stack and I'm a bit confused
with dual license terms - CDDL and GPL v2 w/Classpath Exception.

The problem that I have not found any information on Glassfish pages about
whether I can choose only CDDL or only GPL, or Glassfish sources and
binaries are distributed under both license.

Differences between CDDL and GPL could be important for my project.


Reading about these licenses around internet I found that these licenses are
incompatible. So from my point of view I can choose one of them and do not
care about the other license.


Am I right?


Best Regards.


Andrei Khaisin