Re: Glassfish license. GPL or/and CDDL

From: Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine <>
Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2011 00:11:42 +0100

You can chose one license or the other, or carry on the dual-licensing for downstream users (what most people seem to be doing)
-Alexis, not a lawyer!

On 14 nov. 2011, at 17:21, Andrey Khaisin wrote:

> Hello community
> My project have dependencies from Glassfish stack and I’m a bit confused with dual license terms – CDDL and GPL v2 w/Classpath Exception.
> The problem that I have not found any information on Glassfish pages about whether I can choose only CDDL or only GPL, or Glassfish sources and binaries are distributed under both license.
> Differences between CDDL and GPL could be important for my project.
> Reading about these licenses around internet I found that these licenses are incompatible. So from my point of view I can choose one of them and do not care about the other license.
> Am I right?
> Best Regards.
> --------------
> Andrei Khaisin