missing osgi-cdi dependency when starting glassfish

From: <>
Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2011 18:14:27 -0600 (CST)


I instaled a bundle using "asadmin --type osgi: command.
my bundle contains a dependency in osgi-cdi. osgi-cdi comes oob with
glassfish and is located in modules\autostart folder.

After I run the asamin command, everything is fine. The bundle is installed
and the domain.xml file is updated with the my osgi application.
The problem starts when I restart glassfish. Looks like glassfish is trying
to deploy my bundle *before *osgi-cdi is installed (and probably before all
the bundles in modules\autostart) and then I get:
Unresolved constraint in bundle...missing

But... when I put osgi-cdi under *modules *(instead of modules/autostart)
everything is fine.
Is it a known issue/bug?


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