Re: Unclear definitions of HTTP listener settings

From: Oleksiy Stashok <>
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2011 19:19:08 +0200


first of all thank you for the feedback!
In GF 3.1.1 some descriptions might have been changed, but we'll
appreciate your suggestions to make them clearer.
Please see inlined comments...

> + Request Timeout.
> "Time after which a request times out".
> "The number of seconds before a request times out. If the request is not
> processed before the timeout value is reached, the request is ignored.
> The
> default value is 30 seconds."
It's 900 seconds by default in 3.1.1

> Sounds rather straightforward, BUT! What happens at the timeout?? I
> wrote a
> Servlet doGet() that calls Thread.sleep(forever), and added a small
> Filter
> that logs all requests and responses. A request is logged ok. After the
> specified timeout, a 200 response is sent back. AND the original
> request is
> RE-SENT to theServlet. So now there are TWO threads sleeping! Isn't this
> weird?
Depends on servlet code.

For example this is my servlet code:

/ System.out.println("sleeping 120 secs");
         try {
         } catch (InterruptedException e) {
         } finally {
             System.out.println("woke up");

After I set request-timeout to 30 seconds and made a request to servlet
- I see this output in the log (after 30 seconds):
120 secs*|#]

*Interrupting idle Thread: http-thread-pool-8181(5)*.|#]

sleep interrupted*
     at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
     at timeout.RequestTimeoutServlet.doGet(
     at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

so the initial request processing is getting finished, and if browser
will decide to repeat the request - it will be the only one request
being processed.
In order to interrupt the thread, GF calls thread.interrupt(), but if
your task can not be interrupted - that would be a problem.

> (The real problem here is that some of my server tasks can take a long
> time,
> and after the timeout ANOTHER PARALELL task is started! That's really
> bad!)
As we know there is no way to kill thread in Java, so if your code can
not be interrupted by thread.interrupt() - it becomes a problem.

For example this code:

/int a = 0;
while(true) {
can not be interrupted by thread.interrupt(). And probably we'll see the
same issue as you do, when running this code.

> + Max Post Size.
> "Maximum size of POST actions"
> "The maximum size in bytes of POST actions. The default value is 2097152
> bytes."
> I have no problems uploading a 11 MB file using a POST (multipart-MIME).
> Huh??
It's bad documentation.

This limit is applicable to

> + Upload timeout
> "Enable closing of connection for a servlet that reads bytes slowly after
> Connection Upload Timeout is reached"
> "If this option is selected, the connection for a servlet that reads
> bytes
> slowly is closed after the Connection Upload Timeout limit is reached. If
> this option is disabled, servlet connections do not time out. This
> option is
> disabled by default."
> What, exactly, is meant by "slowly" here? Less than X bytes per
> second? Or
> that the entire POST request takes more than 'Connection Upload Timeout'
> milliseconds?
It's max milliseconds we wait when trying to read next chunk of
uploading data.
If you send at least 1 byte each (upload-timeout-millis - 1) - you're fine.

> By the way, I have seen indications that after this timeout (or perhaps
> 'Request timeout'), ANOTHER PARALELL file upload is started. Eeek!
> Isn't this weird? And is there a way to prevent GF to re-issue the
> requests?
It has to be client side, who reissues the request.

