Re: Current glassfish development

From: Radim Kolar <>
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2011 20:39:40 +0200

Dne 21.10.2011 4:56, Steven Siebert napsal(a):
> That (dead) link won't give too much confidence =)
> Check out the EE7 / GF 4.0 Keynote demo. It is extremely exciting stuff!
Actually GF should drop EclipseLink JPA provider and replace it with
OpenJPA because openjpa is used in websphere and weblogic. eclipselink
is bit faster but it is kinda buggy
Also here is kinda lot of failed tests for eclipse link. i remember that
most of projects moved away from eclipse link to other JPA, usually to
hibernate. I don't believe that eclipse team has much motivation to work
on that JPA provider that much.