Glassfish ejbtimer database size delaying Glassfish startup.

From: <>
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 22:31:04 -0500 (CDT)

 I am running Glassfish 3.1.1 (build12) on Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.5 and
am having issues with the size of the ejbTimer database.

I noticed that over the course of several months Glassfish is taking longer
and longer to start. An inspection of server.log during the startup period,
showed most of the time (around 10 minutes) was being spent opening the
ejbTimer database and indeed the ejbTimer database folder had grown to
several GB. This growth was in the ejbtimer/log folder specifically with many
files files like log483.dat or around 1MB each.

I have shutdown glassfish and connected to the database with the ij tool. It
shows all the sys tables as well as a EJB__TIMER__TBL table. There are 17
rows in this table. I would have expected this to only take up a few MB at

A reinstall of glassfish (including a new ejbTimer database) and the
appilcation starts in just 20 seconds or so.

Can anyone tell me if there is a way to stop the JavaDB database from growing
or if there is some maintenance routine that will 'shrink' the database?
Alternatively if there was a way to drop the database completly and recreate
it that wuold also be an option?

I have tried to just delete the ejbTimer directory thinking that Glassfish
would simply recreate it when it starts but this resulted in me havnig to do
a complete reinstall of glassfish.

Many Thanks,


[Message sent by forum member 'stevenb']
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