RE: GlassFish 3.1.1 - OSGi HTTP Service Implementation not starting

From: Robert Weeks <>
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 18:29:03 -0700

Hey Sahoo -

Thanks for the reply.

This is not the behavior I am seeing tho - for example - if I deploy a bundle that is using a component (declarative service) to register a servlet when the service becomes available - then it never does - so any servlets and/or resources that I am exporting from the bundle never get registered.

If I then do a manual "start" on the bundle id - then all of my resources/servlets become available.

So - I guess then it *is* that behavior - but if we are using DS instead of straight trackers to get at this - it will never get started that way - correct?

So - say in my bnd file - something like:

Service-Component: com.ext_inc.systemmanager.servlets.*;\

so that in on of my servlet classes:

@Component(provide = HttpServlet.class)
public class SystemManagerProxy ........

  protected void setHttp(HttpService http) {
        if (http != null) {
            this.http = http;

This works great - as long as the service is active.

Is there anything I can do to kickstart it?

Thanks again.

Robert Weeks
Lead Developer - Framework and UI
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From: Sahoo []
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2011 8:54 PM
Cc: Robert Weeks
Subject: Re: GlassFish 3.1.1 - OSGi HTTP Service Implementation not starting

Hi Robert,

No, you don't have to explicitly start it. You see it in Starting state,
because it uses "LAZY ACTIVATION" policy. This bundle exports
org.osgi.service.http package, so if you deploy your own bundle that
uses httpservice API from this bundle, then it will automatically get
activated. I felt this is better than user having to download and
deploy osgi-http.jar from somewhere.

On Wednesday 31 August 2011 12:39 AM, Robert Weeks wrote:
> Hello -
> On a fresh install of GF3.1.1 - when looking at the bundles (gogo -> lb) - it always says the OSGi HTTP Service Implementation for GlassFish Web Container (1.0.4) is "Starting" - and never completely starts unless I kickstart it by telling it to start in the console.
> We rely on this - and with GF 3.1 - we installed the bundle into the modules/autostart directory. I thought I could get rid of that step with 3.1.1 - but if we manually have to tell that bundle to start before it will complete, we won't be able to use this.
> Is there a reason for this?
> Thanks for any information.